Duferco Team visit Coru?a plant
RESONAC - Graphite Business Unit
RESONAC is the world’s largest supplier of ultra-high-powered graphite electrodes.
On November 28-29, 2022 Coru?a received the visit from our customers Mr. Giordano Simeoni (Purchasing Manager) an Mr. Giancarlo Sabbadini (Furnace Manager) from Duferco.?On behalf of Showa Denko, they were accompanied by David Germade (Plant Manager), Francisco Santoalla (Europe South Market Segment Leader), Pablo Rifón (SCM-Purchasing Mgr), Yasuhiro Arai (Technology Mgr.), Adrián Amado (EMEA Business Development), Alberto Souto (QA Mgr.) and Riccardo Banchieri (Italy Sales Manager).
It has been a great opportunity for all of us to strengthen our knowledge of both businesses as well as to look for opportunities for improvement that consolidate our relationship.
Thanks to Duferco for visiting us and we hope to see you again soon. Also thanks to all the team in A Coru?a that has made the event possible.
@Duferco @Showadenkocarbon #customers #customerinitiative #acoruna?