The Duck’s Strategy
How does a mother duck communicate in less than 3 seconds, with ducklings instantly understanding and acting as instructed? This is a lesson in leadership without a word spoken, demonstrating the profound instincts and strategies mothers use to protect and guide their young.
The Duck’s Strategy:
Once the mother duck communicates with her ducklings, she takes the biggest risk by putting her life on the line. She has a strategy to save herself and her family, using tactics as if she were injured. Did she do her masters at Stanford or Harvard? She lures the hyena into the pond, an area of her strength, swimming to a depth the hyena cannot reach, while her ducklings hide behind the bush.
Motherly Instincts in Business:
Motherly instincts are supreme across all living beings, and the same applies to businesses. Great leaders often sacrifice immediate numbers for deserving team members, understanding that these individuals will eventually drive the business to new heights. These leaders face the board and stick their neck out, showing a strong parenting DNA.
Building Future Leaders:
Such leaders who were backed earlier come back in style in terms of performance. They become part of the leadership pipeline, where perfect cloning has happened, ensuring the continuity of strong leadership within the organization.
Key Takeaways:
#MothersLove #LeadershipLessons #TeamBuilding #BusinessStrategy #AxxelussAcademy #AxxelussAutoReview #AxxelussCreative #WeareIMPACTmakers #WeareAXM #BusinessLeadership #InspiringLeaders #ParentingInBusiness #TeamSuccess #LeadershipPipeline
Video Credit : Farzana Khan