Dubai Chambers passes 100 business group target as it boosts city economy
Dubai Chamber of Commerce has exceeded its target of setting up more than 100 business groups by March this year.
The chamber has recently launched 29 new business groups, bringing the current total to 105.
Mohammad Ali Rashed Lootah, President & CEO of Dubai Chambers, said, “Business groups are the key to further improving Dubai’s already favourable business environment.
Dubai Business Groups
“They reflect the diversity and agility of the emirate’s economy, as well as the Chamber’s commitment to fulfilling the wise leadership’s vision to consolidate Dubai’s position as a global capital of finance and business.
“We now have a total of 105 business groups, with further additions already planned and nearing launch. Having initially targeted growth to 100 business groups, we wanted to make sure we captured every single part of Dubai’s dynamic economy.
“In doing so, and because of the breadth of Dubai’s economy, we have exceeded the number we previously planned for.”
Sector-focused business groups are imperative in ensuring representation of all the business and economic sectors in the city.
Covering the various areas of the economy the 29 new business groups are:
The Chamber of Commerce plays a crucial role in supporting business groups by facilitating a two-way dialogue between government entities and the private sector.
Business groups provide a platform for discussion between the sector’s stakeholders and government entities.
They are a key component in addressing policy matters, enhancing the competitiveness of their respective sectors and ultimately boosting their contribution to the emirate’s economy.