#tbt #HannoverMesse #HM23


At the very beginning of the post-Covid period, demand far exceeded the actual need and disruption in the supply chain continued. Rising interest rates, slowdowns in investments, combined with geopolitical tensions, resulted in significant increases in inventories both on manufacturers and organized distributors. Availability concerns gave way to balancing inventories. We are witnessing that the supply-demand balance is in search of a new equilibrium.?

We can say the immediate challenges as well as the residual shocks related to China's supply to foreign markets affected by Covid-19 majorly disappeared, yet no one can predict next supply chain disruption. For this very reason, we observe an increase in the number of companies that prefer to prioritize sustainable business performance over periodic opportunities.

This is perhaps the long-awaited new NORMAL!

In the new era, the famous "one source for all" approach has started to be substituted with "Dual Source" policy, which has been a policy for many companies before the pandemic indeed, yet before Covid it was only included in sustainability reports while as we all know the actual practice was highly limited. Dual Source is now beyond the wish, is a must.

During the Hannover Fair this year, we held highly productive meetings with many companies that want to shape their future with us, as well as our well-established partners who want to expand their cooperation.?

WAT continues to be Turkey's industrial motor export leader by far and doing so, we have positioned customer management and customized products to serve sectoral needs as our focus, alongside putting the contribution we will provide to our partners with new regulations at the ultimate level.?

It is difficult to predict what the spotlight will be in the world of the future, but as WAT, we will continue to keep our ability to adapt to the rapidly changing world.



Covid ile birlikte tetiklenen süre?te tedarik zincirlerinde ya?anan büyük de?i?iklikler endüstriyel motor sekt?ründe de kendini g?sterdi. Post-Covid d?neminin en ba??nda ger?ek ihtiyac?n ?ok üzerinde seyreden talep seviyleri; enflasyonla sava?, artan faizler, yat?r?mlardaki büyüme h?zlar?nda yava?lamalar, jeopolitik gerilimlerle de birle?ince gerek üreticiler gerek organize da??t?c?lar taraf?nda stok seviyelerinde ?nemli art??larla sonu?land?. Bulunabilirlik kayg?s? yerini?stok dengelemeye b?rakt?. Arz-talep dengesinin yeni bir denge aray??? i?erisinde oldu?una tan?kl?k ediyoruz.

??te bu belki de uzun zamand?r beklenen yeni NORMAL!

Her ne kadar ?in’ in d?? pazarlara arz? ile ilgili gü?lükler tamamen ortadan kalkm?? olsa da bir sonraki arz k?s?t?n?n hangi nedenle olaca??n? kimse kestiremiyor. Tam da bu nedenle sürdürülebilir i? performans?n? d?nemsel f?rsatlar?n üstünde tutmay? tercih eden firma say?s?nda art??? g?zlemliyoruz.

Yeni d?nemde “one source for all” yakla??m? tamamen ortadan kalkt? diyebiliriz. “Dual Source” pandemi ?ncesi bir?ok ?irket i?in sadece sürdürülebilirlik raporlar?nda yer alan ama aslen uygulamada s?n?rl? bir sat?n alma politikas? idi. Dual Source ?u an bir zorunluluk.

Türkiye’nin motor ihracat liderli?ini a??k ara sürdüren WAT’ta odakl? mü?teri y?netimini, sekt?rel ihtiya?lara hizmet edecek ?zelle?tirilmi? ürünlerin yan? s?ra, yeni regülasyonlarla partnerlerimize sa?layaca??m?z katk?y? en üst noktada konumlad?k.?

Hannover Fuar? boyunca ürün ve hizmetlerimize duyulan ilgi, i?birliklerini büyütmek isteyen k?klü partnerlerimiz kadar gelece?ini bizimle ?ekillendirmeyi arzu eden bir ?ok firma ile son derece verimli toplant?lar ger?ekle?tirdik.?

Gelece?in dünyas?nda gündem ne olur bugünden kestirmek zor ancak bizler WAT olarak h?zla de?i?en dünyaya adaptasyon yetene?imizi gü?lü tutmaya devam edece?iz.!


