Dual-Adaptive Camouflage and Dual-Holodeck Properties: The Two Symmetries
Keith Carlock
Invisibility Suits, Portals, Magic Ghost Number Cubes and Other Mathematical Ideas [ also, ideas towards an amended Invisible/Holographic Principle]
Dual-Adaptive Camouflage, or DAC
Adaptive camouflage merely to an environment's background scenery is only half of the property of true invisibility.
It require a dual-adaptive camouflage; one adaptable to the outside of the suit ( usually the case) itself, and it's background scenery taking both as one complete outside environment, and another part of it adaptable to the interior moving parts of the puppet Light-Interface of the object, or suit ( usually the case).
I say " usually the case" in this instance because it may not be a suit, but the dual-adaptive camouflage invisibility would still exist in a potential state even if it were a fixed Light-Interface System, simply owing to the concept of the Light-Interface form itself.
Dual-Holodeck Properties, or DHP
A holodeck is not just it's outside scenery painted along the walls, with light, on the interior of a holodeck-converted Light-Interface.
It requires an internal wall-connected scenery of the outside environment ( usually the case) and an additional dual-holodeck property of internal hologram casting from a computer generated interactive recording or thru the telepresence of another scanning holodeck-converted Light-Interface ( usually the case) for a complete dual-holodeck with both exterior and interior properties.
I say " usually the case" in this instance, because there are three varieties of invisibility or Light-Interface Systems according to my theories. Each one has a certain degree of the others played out in them in their fixed, movable and dual states, as well as their proportions of invisibility/holodeck states. Even if the holodeck wasn't in a dual-holodeck APRO form, it would still exist, in potential, in all other Light-Interface Systems due to the form of the Light-Interface concept itself.
The two extremes of the single "normal" fixed Light-Interface System; the movable suit and the dual APRO, are what define the extent and the limits of the dual-adaptive/dual-holodeck properties of the whole set of the three varieties of Light-Interface Systems.