DTN 060: Gene Therapy Trial Cures Girl's Deafness

DTN 060: Gene Therapy Trial Cures Girl's Deafness

The Big Picture

Deaf girl is cured in world first gene therapy trial

“A British girl has had her hearing restored after becoming the first in the world to take part in a groundbreaking new gene therapy trial. Opal Sandy, aged 18 months, was born completely deaf due to the condition auditory neuropathy, which is caused by the disruption of nerve impulses travelling from the inner ear to the brain. Now, thanks to a “one and done” gene therapy being trialed in the UK and worldwide, Opal’s hearing is almost normal – and could even improve further.” (Independent)

Deep Tech News

JPEG of the Week

Hydrostor, a leader in compressed air energy storage, aims to break ground on its first large-scale plant in New South Wales by the end of this year. It plans to follow that with an even bigger facility in California.

There is a clear need for long-duration energy storage to bridge gaps when renewable generation is low. Toronto's Hydrostor is scaling up compressed air storage, with upcoming 200 MW and 500 MW projects in Australia and California able to discharge for 8 hours. Success with these initial utility-scale plants could enable wider deployment of their long-duration energy storage solution. (via Wired)

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