DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder) growing at a faster rate not justified for growth, expansion and exploration By Jackson A N

Many years ago according to historical records DSM was first published by the American Psychiatric Association in 1952 with 130 pages and 102 diagnostic categories of mental illness. But today we have over 1000 pages and catalogue of over 250 disorder. The question is why the increase? Do we now have more ailments and mental disorder than what we had in 1952? Is there any justification for this growth and expansion? Have we failed as medical doctors, psychiatrics or social workers? Do we give names, nomenclatures, meanings and terminologies to any phenomenon that happens to man despite that it is normal aspect of human life as mental illness or disorder? Or do we give names and terminologies due to the growth in science, knowledge, power of control and power of medication? What then is the justification for the voluminous increase in the pages of DSM?

Who are the main users of DSM or who are the beneficiaries of DSM? The clinicians, the researchers, schools, the insurance companies, the pharmaceutical companies and the policy makers etc are the various types of users and beneficiaries of DSM.

The concept of capitalism and slave trade is just like any other concept that shows how human being use the power of information and control of resources to enslave others and make others to be the oppressed while they are the good to go, the rich, the wealthy, and the influential (owners of the capital and resources). The same thing happens with the growing concept of DSM. There are people benefiting from this growth and expansion of DSM. Some people benefited from the pandemic era of covid 19 and they are still smiling to the bank till this very day. But why do we need to construct so great a terminology and register such terminologies in DSM so as to continue the capitalism and slavery of the past in this present day. Many of these so called mental disorder are not issues that can be treated through hospitalization, medication and psychiatric treatment. Take for instance someone who is hearing voices and you want to hospitalize and give medications to such a person, it is time wasting and also unreasonable. This has been proven to be true through the use of Open Dialogue which does not need hospitalization, medication and psychiatry treatment. Open Dialogue is a system practiced in Nigeria, India and Colombia. But DSM and their users will never admit to this truth neither will they accept it. There is no justification for the expansion of the DSM at any point in time because it is more of a scam and unethical and finally a product of capitalism, slavery and impoverishment.


