DSA Interview Prep
Kushagra Gupta
Software Developer | Active Open Source Contributor | Coding Enthusiast | Problem Solver | Building Fast, Scalable Web Apps | LLMS Model Developer
Hello LinkedIn Community,
I’m happy to share some invaluable strategies from my extensive experience in problem-solving and data structures and algorithms (DSA). Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your journey, these tips are designed to boost your skills and performance.
These strategies are tailored to help you excel in online assessments and ace the DSA rounds during interviews. Let's dive in!
1 - For a problem involving arrays, if there exists a solution in O(n^2) time and O(1) space, there must exist two other solutions:
A) Using a HashMap or a Set for O(n) time and O(n) space.
B) Using sorting for O(n logn) time and O(1) space.
2 - Sliding window technique is useful for working with subarrays and substrings.
Fixed Size Window: Applied when given a specific window size (k) to find maximum, minimum, or other metrics within each subarray.
Variable Size Window: Applied when given a condition to determine the window size (k).
3 - If the given input is a sorted array, we will either be using Binary Search or Two Pointers strategy.
4 - If the problem is related to a LinkedList and we can't use extra space, then use the Fast & Slow Pointer approach.
5 - Recursive solution can be converted to an iterative solution using a Stack.
6 - Every nested loop where inner loop (j) variable is dependent on (i) of outer loop, can be solved using Stack.
7 - If we are dealing with top/maximum/minimum/closest 'K' elements among 'N' elements, we will be using a Heap.
8 - If a problem requires sorting a large dataset and memory is a concern, consider using an in-place sorting algorithm like Heap Sort or Quick Sort.
9 - With choices and decisions in a problem, go with the recursion, and for more optimization use dynamic programming.
A) If a problem is asking for optimization (e.g., maximization or minimization), we will be using Dynamic Programming.
B) In the case of tabulation, there are still chances to optimize further in terms of space complexity.
10 - Backtracking will be used in when you are dealing with,
A) Choices with decisions
B) Combinations
C) Controlled Recursion
D) Number of Choices
E) Size of Constraints
F) Not Greedy.
11 - If we need to try all combinations (or permutations) of the input, we can either use Backtracking or Breadth First Search(BFS).
12 - Most of the questions related to Trees or Graphs can be solved either through BFS or DFS.
13 - For problems that involve finding the shortest path in a weighted graph, Dijkstra's or Bellman-Ford algorithms are appropriate, while the Floyd-Warshall algorithm is used for finding shortest paths between all pairs of nodes.
14 - If a problem requires determining connectivity or finding cycles in a graph, Union-Find (Disjoint Set Union) is an efficient approach.
15 - When dealing with a problem that involves finding the maximum bipartite matching in a graph, use the Hopcroft-Karp algorithm or the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm.
16 - If we are dealing with range queries or mutable arrays, Segment Trees or Binary Indexed Trees (Fenwick Trees) are often the solution.
17 - If we need to search/manipulate a bunch of strings, Trie will be the best data structure.
18 - If a problem involves dealing with large numbers or needs modulo arithmetic, using properties of modular arithmetic and precomputing factorials/inverses can be advantageous.
19 - If a problem requires sorting a dataset with a specific order (e.g., lexicographic or alphabetical), use a stable sorting algorithm like Merge Sort or Insertion Sort.
20 - When working with a problem that involves sorting a dataset with a large number of duplicates, use a sorting algorithm like Timsort or Adaptive Sort.
Remembering these points can save you time, especially during interviews.
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Software Developer | Active Open Source Contributor | Coding Enthusiast | Problem Solver | Building Fast, Scalable Web Apps | LLMS Model Developer
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