DSA : Day 1
Anushkaa Ambuj
SWE Intern @Johnson Controls | ML Intern @Capgemini | Final Year @IIT Jodhpur | Computer Science | Machine Learning | Web Development
Happy Learning! Happy Programming!
1?? Decimal to Binary, Binary to Decimal
??Binary of -ve numbers ? Sign Magnitude vs 2s Complement
2?? Data Types
??Primitive Data Types
??Data Types: Space and Range [VVI for solving problems (reflect CONSTRAINTS)]
??Signed vs Unsigned
3?? Errors
??Compile Time Error
??Runtime Error
??Time Limit Exceeded Error
??Wrong Answer
4?? Operators
??Arithmetic: +, -, *, /, %
??Logical: &&, ||, !
??Relational: <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=
??Bitwise: amp;, |, ^, ~, <<, >>
??Assignment: =, +=, -=, ...
??Unary: +, -, ++, --
??Miscellaneous Operators: ???: : Ternary (conditional) operator??, : Comma operator??: Size of an object??. : Member access operator (dot)??->; : Member access operator (arrow)??[] : Array subscript??() : Function call
Data Types
??Primitive Data Type
??Sizes & Constraint Ranges
??Key Points
??Compile Time Error (CTE): Example: Type mismatches, unresolved references.
??Runtime Error (RTE):Example: Division by zero, accessing out-of-bounds array elements.
??Time Limit Exceeded Error (TLE): If there exists some better solution with lesser time complexity.
??Wrong Answer
??Syntax Error: Example: Missing semicolons, unmatched brackets.