Drying wet blankets
If you have ever managed to get wet wearing something akin to a sweater or a sweatshirt, you know how it weighs you down. Sure, getting wet in anything is uncomfortable, but heavy clothing magnifies that feeling tenfold. Clothes, even the really thick ones, eventually dry.
But wet blankets in the form of people are a different ball game.
Of course, you've encountered these people.
"This can't be done"
"You aren't good enough"
"The client won't agree"
"You'll get into trouble for trying something before"
"No one has ever done something like this"
"You never get it"
"You're not cut out for this"
"I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget"
"I'll show you who's boss"
If you've ever been undermined and your efforts thwarted, you know exactly what I mean.
Wet blankets come in all forms - those who undermine, gossip, belittle and thwart your efforts, and many of them find meaning in their lives by being wet blankets. Attempting to put them out to dry is an exercise in futility. It's like hanging clothes on the line when it's raining.
The opposite of wet blankets are people who make your work better. They challenge you and help you reach higher ground. They add life, chutzpah, in a good way, to whatever it is your doing.
Better to spend your time finding the people who make your work better instead of wasting it constantly putting wet blankets out to dry.
PS - If you believe your marketing communication is capable of a lot more, I would like to meet you. Send me an email at [email protected] or a message at 9886811216.