Dry Up and Get Back on Track
One of the biggest challenges that the building trade faces is getting structures dry enough to move on to the next stage of construction. Whether it is saturated block work, damp plaster or wet dabs coming through on plaster board, failure to dry out properly leads to delays or post occupation redecoration.
Traditional approaches using conventional warm air and dehumidification can be costly, time consuming and not always completely effective.
What if there was a cost effective, completely safe and silent solution that delivered a dry structure in less than half the ambient drying time?
Well now there is......
Using the latest innovations in infrared technology, the Infra-Lex Mobile Dri-IR? is able to do just that. Here is what two users of our system said:
“The combination of a Dri-IR unit plus an air-mover was particularly effective in drying dry-lining damp dabs because the Dri-IR’s energy penetrates deep in to the structure to be dried.” – John Nicholas, formerly Project Site Director, Lymington, Redrow.
“In six days we saw saturated block sufficiently dry to allow works to continue; previous attempts using traditional drying methods to dry out other areas of saturated block on the same site had taken twice as long and were not as well dried resulting in redecoration after owner occupation.” – Project Manager, large development of apartments.
How Does It Work?
By transmitting long wave infra-red directly and deeply into the block to be dried (rather than heating the air) it is absorbed by water in the structure which evaporates. The evaporated water escapes through a slightly open window or door.
This allows the unit to operate at considerably lower temperatures than traditional heating equipment, which also means that it can be used unsupervised 24/7. This further reduces the elapsed time to complete drying.
Want to see it in action?
How do you get your hands on one?
Brandon Hire Station is the exclusive provider of the Mobile Dri-IR?. You can find out more and make a booking through their on-line catalogue:
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