Dry Needling to Treat & Cure Erectile Dysfunction: A Widely Unknown, Unused, Awesomely Powerful & Lasting Treatment

Dry Needling to Treat & Cure Erectile Dysfunction: A Widely Unknown, Unused, Awesomely Powerful & Lasting Treatment

Hey everyone,

I hope this finds you well. Here are some thoughts about dry needling combined with joint manipulation to fix, or at least significantly improve erectile dysfunction (ED). Let me know if anyone has any questions about anything. I am planning to write a handful of articles on this topic. Needling, thoughtfully performed, especially when combined with joint manipulation, stimulates amazingly rapid, positive results.

Enhanced Blood Perfusion (the primary mechanism necessary to achieve erection)

One of the best objectively observed effects of needling is the awesome vasodilation and increased microvascular blood perfusion stimulated. Luckily for us, this is the primary mechanism needed to achieve erection. Studies have been performed all over the body using various forms of technology and numerous needling strategies to measure blood flow through muscles, veins, venules, arteries, arterioles, carpal tunnel, etc. Much of the research indicates needling stimulates around a 20x increase in blood perfusion. Not 20%. 20 times the blood flow. The really cool thing about this is that depending on the location, needling increases and normalizes blood flow locally, but also, and probably more importantly, in the brain.

Homeostatic effects on abnormal electrical activity are also strong in both the peripheral and central nervous system, secondary to needling. Remember, our body works on electricity, along with a lot of other stuff. However, without electricity, we are dead. So, it would make sense that having a homeostatic electrical system is super important. Thoughtful needling has a neuroplastic effect on the brain and body and can stimulate amazing neurophysiologic responses, even after years of impairment.

Related:?Click here to read my blog on "Dry Needling & Spinal Manipulation to Maximize Pelvic Health & Function"

There is little research concerning needling to specifically improve sexual function, however, there is some. Mostly acupuncture research, which all needlers should read. It really opens your mind to thinking in different ways. There is no reason to believe that needling the pelvic floor and surrounding structures wouldn’t significantly increase blood perfusion and muscle function, as it does everywhere else in the body, almost without fail. Aside from that, I treat people for ED and other sexual impairments on a weekly basis, male and female, and consistently see wonderful results. One of the other things I see all the time is people who have tried non-pharmacological, standard ED treatment for years, including medical professionals, with little to no result. Then they try needling, and in a few treatments, the dysfunction is completely resolved. Happens all the time. Needling oftentimes eliminates the need for medication, as it addresses the cause of the problem, not just the symptoms.

The disparity in results from typical non-pharmacological treatment to needling is profound. Oftentimes, this has nothing to do with the quality of the prior treatment. It has everything to do with the magical effect thoughtful needling has on the human mind and body. I am amazed by it all the time, and I see these results on a regular basis. It seems like the magic I read about all the time in my fantasy books (the only other thing I read aside from science stuff). The speed and efficacy of treatment is often stunning, watching decades of impairment disappear in mere days or weeks. A lot of the time you see baffling results after just the first treatment. Like I said, magic.

Primary Muscles for Erection

The bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus are muscles located at the base of the penis and are the primary muscles involved in male erection. Many other muscles need to function properly to facilitate maximum sexual function, like the multifidus, however, the bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus are the most important. Both are innervated by the perineal branch of the pudendal nerve (S2-S4, parasympathetic-dominant portion of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)), and are located at the base and to the sides of the penis, respectively. These 2 muscles are vitally important in creating an erection and are easily treatable with needles (again, this is totally counterintuitive, but this is one of the most comfortable areas of the body to be needled).

T10 to T12 spinal segments are typically the roots of the sympathetic fibers involved in erection. The sympathetic chain ganglia cells transmit signals to the penis and are located in the sacrococcygeal region. Therefore, technically, any spinal and or muscular deviation from T10 down to the coccyx could easily cause both sympathetic and or parasympathetic impairment. Impairment in either of these portions of the ANS, at certain levels, will disable and hinder erectile function and sexual performance. This holds true for both men and women.

Again, the bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus are important for both sexes, however, let’s stick to males for this article. If these muscles have knots (trigger points) in them, which is extremely common, or are dysfunctional in another way, they are going to be shortened and or stretched. Shortened is way more typical. If the pelvis is significantly deviated, out of place, the pelvic floor neuromuscular system will dysfunction. Remember, joints don’t move themselves, muscles and other external forces do. Needling combined with joint manipulation is the fastest method that exists on planet earth to regulate these muscles and joints to neutral, along with pushing the ANS toward homeostasis, allowing for normal sexual function, both mechanically and neurologically. This includes regulating the brain toward homeostasis. Without healthy brain function and a homeostatic ANS, nothing works properly.

Dry needling, especially when combined with joint manipulation, addresses the symptoms of ED, and more importantly, the underlying causes. Mainstream medicine just addresses the symptoms and never addresses or resolves the cause. When thoughtfully performed, these techniques have powerful, awe-inspiring, regulatory effects on our neuromusculoskeletal systems, leading to improved health and function in all aspects of daily living, both physical and mental.

Thanks for reading. Let me know if anyone has any questions about anything.



les mick

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Love this, it’s time for DPTs to pick up those needles, and help those clients!! Moral obligation!


Thanks for writing Jason



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