Dry & Desolate Land
A traveling experience can be a great experience to see what is happening in the world as it takes us out of our comfortable life. It’s an eye opener to what is really going on with different cultures and their perspective on God.
If you know the Word of God, you pick up on things that people don’t notice and it grabs your attention, such as shopping. Innocent eyes of shoppers glance past statues displayed of idol gods. Defenders of this would probably say that it’s for serenity or just part of the decor, as we know it’s these subtle things that get unsuspecting people to think it’s cool or inquire about it at a later time. It only goes to prove that the presence of God has been replaced by idol worship. People have turned from God to the satisfaction of their self desires as many turn to false gods or worship false man made objects.
What does God tell us when these things happen?
That His ears will not listen when they call to Him in distress -Jeremiah 11:14
Why is it so easy for people to believe false things and not believe the truth?
Romans 1:25
They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
This world has become a desolate dry place, people looking for water, when they only find dry land. Jesus represents our water and food for our souls. But seeing all this right now confirms that the time is right for us to keep strong, march forward as the ways of man have fallen far from God. Those of us who follow God and His ways will be praying and listening more for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to know what to do as we direct people to Jesus. Always be ready for His return, don’t give up hope that is in Him!
I say to you, “Be ready at all times to give an answer for the truth that is placed in you”.
Hold fast and study brethren as the time is ripe for those who are seeking the truth. Trust the truth will set them free in this Dry and Desolate Land.
The Christian Writer
#dry&desolateland #Jesus