Dr.Waterproofing (M.K.Dhawan)
Mohandra Kumar Dhawan
Chairman TWA (twaindia.com), manufacturers, exporters, Consultant, Distributors, Waterproofing, Construction Chemicals
Global warming, Doing nothing is no alternative Global warming is hot issue presently worldwide. Glaciers all over the world are declining, an effect that is also perceivable at the fringes of the vast Antarctica ice shield. Scientists say that sea levels have already risen 17 centimeters during the 20th century, most of it due to the simple fact that warm water has a larger volume than cold water. With the melting of icecaps and glaciers, the annual rise has nearly doubled since 1993 to a rate of about 3.1 mm, so ambient temperature is going up. The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change delivered a huge blow to global warming doubters. Leading climate scientists are now 90 percent sure that human activity is heating up the planet and because of this buildings get heated up and life has become tough. Requirements for cooling of buildings are going up and up. The consumption of Air conditioners and other cooling systems are increasing at high rate, but this solution to combat global warming has high side effects like pain killing tablets. Tablets relive pain quickly but simultaneously damage the liver & Kidney. Similarly with use of Air conditioners and other cooling systems comfort are achieved very fast but these equipment generate more heat and put into the atmosphere than what cooling of buildings done. R We Doing Right thing? Consuming more electricity So more fossil Fuel burning in present scenario So high emission of carbons and hazardous gases So more heat absorption capacity of environment So increasing temp of earth Due to GLOBAL WARMING Due to all these need’s more necessity for Air conditioning Indian current production capacity is 1.45 Lac MW which shoots up to 8 Lac to 9.5 Lac MW in 2030, India Produce more than 64% of electricity through thermal plants. Renewable 8.51%, Hydro mnAa24.67% Nuclear 2.82%, Power consumed in country per capita (KWH), Canada/17179,USA/13338,Australia/11126,Japan/8076,France/7689,UK/6206,Russia/5642India/6 31. 1 kWh of electricity produced from a coal powered station emits 970g of CO2 and from gas combustion at ca. 400g CO2 per KwH to the atmosphere. There has been a climb in carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere of about 280 ppm in 1850 to 364 ppm in 1998. Average earth temp from 14 Deg in year 1880 had increased to 14.6 in 2008 and expected to reach 18 Deg in year 2100 with present fossil fuel burning The pollution due to emission of carbon fluoro gases goes up. The electricity consumed need to be generated extra, consequently pollution of generation plants goes up green house gases are emitted more and more. Ultimately the whole system is more and more harming the environment and cause increase the global warming. We know that addressing the threats posed by climate change will require large investments thus president of the UN General Assembly, Srgjan Kerim, said that over 200 billion dollars would probably be necessary just to stop a further increase of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.Peru Govt. is doing a tremendous job for the purpose of global warming is by painting all the mountains white, so the heat will reflect and the speed of glaciers melting will be slowdown. This is to draw the attention of government and general public through your prestigious daily regarding our environment friendly heat and water proof products. So looking at the environment hazards like global warming ozone depletion, deforestation, mismanaged and such others it becomes the duty of each & every honorable citizen to do his bit more especially who are directly related in business such as ours where we can make special efforts and want to help the humanity. We NUSHAR India are a low profile but extremely potential & reliable manufacturing company. NUSHAR’S “MASTER COAT”, which is a type of chemical coat which reflect heat up-to 85% and Insulate the exterior building structure surfaces, hence resists the heat transfer to inside of the building, ultimately negligible heat transferred through structure by insulating our homes and by this we can save earth and mankind. By using this products thermal insulation and water proofing can be done simultaneously and their advantages are:- – Large drop in internal temperature of buildings in summer and also keeps building worm in winter – Reduces electricity consumption up to 40-60% and resulting in Energy Efficient Buildings which reduce the requirement of power – A more productive working environment without air conditioning which help in reducing global warming effects – You can walk on roof surface even in peak sun light – Roof is protected from Thermal shock due to varying sun load – Remarkable elasticity and ability to Cope up with thermal expansion and contraction – 100% water proof film created on the surface, Highly flexible and tough film formed and On the spot sealing of all types of cracks which resulting in Environmentally safe and convenient to apply – By Using the ours “Master Coat “Save millions of liter of water per day per city – Master Coat seals all type of cracks and leakages which resulting in durability of building with corrosion free structure
call for more information and material- 09310997953