Drupal Logos Showing Emotions

Drupal Logos Showing Emotions

It's not over yet. There are still Druplicons that need to be presented. After already exploring Drupal Logos in Human and Superhuman forms, Drupal Logos as Fruits and Vegetables, Druplicons in the shapes of Animals, Drupal Logos taking part in the outdoor activities and Drupal Logos representing the national identities, it's now time to look in the field of emotions and see, which emotions are shown by Drupal Logos.

After expecting to find many Druplicons in the area of national identities, I came up with an idea of exploring something more challenging. After some thought, I decided it's time to look in the area of emotions. After all, Druplicon was designed with a mischievous smile, so it looks serious (and maybe something less pleasant as well) all the time. Despite that, it can show a lot of (other) emotions. Here are some according to Human-Machine Interaction Network on Emotion (HUMAINE), which classifies 48 emotions.

Sad Druplicon (SADCamp 2011)

Hurt Druplicon

Happy Druplicon (GLAD Camp 2014)

Relaxed Druplicon

Angry Druplicon (BADCamp)

I am aware that I already used that as a pirate, but hey, if Druplicon can have more functions, why not present them all.

Annoying Druplicon

Irritated Druplicon

Last time, I asked you to find any of the missing Drupal Logos, which represent national identities. I did not receive any in the comment section, so I hope you'll do better this time. Post any of the missing Druplicons that show emotions in the comments below and you'll be mentioned in my next post about Druplicons.


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