Drum Up Business

Drum Up Business

Thank you for taking time from your holiday plans to read this. Give me 4 minutes. . . I’ll make this quick!

FIRST: It’s time to FORGET about all the complexities that come with sales and just start to connect. I work with amazing global business women who are so smart and incredible within their field and I get the chance to see them connect with people, not only in their local area, but also to global clients with services, software, and consulting.

I see amazing incredible women who have lots and lots to give, who have so much experience to share but they're trapped in a cycle of how much do I share and when do I share it, and also questioning themselves around how much to charge!

Let me paint a quick picture so that you can get back to your holiday plans!

FACT: We're coming up to the end of a YEAR. Right before the end of each quarter what I like to do is I like to go back to each of my former clients and extend an invitation to them to come back or refer someone to me because I usually end up raising my rates every quarter. So when I reach back out to those clients, I reach back out to them in a very kind and specific way. I don't go straight for the ask.

During this conversation it's my chance to reconnect with them, truly look them up again and find out what they're up to. Have you ever looked back at your former clients or your former connections, even if it was from your corporate career and reconnected with them just simply because it was that time of year?

So often the RE-connection FEELS like the hardest one to make. We need that reason to reach out. My students get oodles and oodles of specific situational Swipe Files and Templates. When my clients wonder and worry "what do I share, how do I share it and when do I share it?" they don't have to worry anymore because it's almost all done for them. They just have to copy and paste.

So, if you’ve been wondering "how do I drum up business during this time of year?" (even if you have a totally new offer and no email list)... KEEP READING.

If I were coaching you, my first goal for you is just to feel comfortable reaching out; to know what to say, how to say it, and when to say it. Once we decide what that "reason to reach out" is, it’s almost all done. You just need to CONTINUE to have that genuine conversation (this can be via email, DM’s or on the phone).

So for those of you still reading, let me ask you this: Have you ever gone back and reached back out to your former clients?

If no, why not? Think about it: wouldn't you rather have more of them than some weird stranger off the Internet?

Here's the next question: Have you ever been that person who was reached out to and that reminded you of how much you did like that person? Even if you don’t need what they so expertly know how to do, it’s nice to catch up, right??? At the very least, it brought them top of mind.

Now let’s imagine this going one step further, let’s pretend it’s a week later, and you ended up being at a networking event and as you were talking to someone who had a problem this connection solves, you thought to yourself "oh my goodness I know someone who does that. Let me connect you."

Isn't it great to know someone?

You could be that "someone" for someone. . .

We all like doing that. I bet you’re a connector at heart like me, aren’t you?

Now reimagine the scenario of you reaching back out to your former clients again - have your feelings around it shifted? Now you're the one reaching back out and you're looking for those opportunities to either get more of the same type of client or get referrals from that type of client. Or maybe you are the person who is being reached out to, and you like having a strong network.

This is the PERFECT time of year to do that.

My goal is to make sales simple and fun so it doesn't have to be creepy or weird. It has nothing to do with manipulation and it 100 percent does not need to feel like you're persuading a prospect. It just needs to feel like you're genuinely connecting with another human.

I look forward to seeing you in my free community Entrepreneurial Connections Movement !!!


