Drug Rehab Owners Deserve Kudos
Eric P. Yorlano
Substance Abuse Billing Ask me why addiction treatment centers leave 25% of their billables on the table every month and how to get a FREE forensic assessment.
Drug rehab owners have a difficult job in running a drug and alcohol addiction treatment center. They must clearly understand the medical side and the business side. The two biggest areas that must know are billing and marketing. This is because they need to have incoming revenue to pay all the bills associated with running a substance abuse rehabilitation facility.
Drug Rehab Owners Must Know Alot
As we stated above the two biggest areas are billing and marketing. However, there are other areas that must be dealt with on an ongoing basis for rehab owners. Here are just a few of the areas they must concentrate on.
These are just a few areas of concern for drug and alcohol addiction treatment center owners. They are bombarded with 1,000 decisions to make every day.??Many times, they must see something that will help in one or more of these areas before it clicks. The real good owners are always willing to talk or try a product or service.
Rehab Owners Are Unsung Heros
Many think that drug rehab owners have it easy. Starting a drug and alcohol addiction treatment center is a difficult task in itself. There are many hoops to jump before they can open their doors. Some of these may include the following and each one has many things that must be completed before obtaining.
Again, these are just a few to get the door open. Then there is no easy ride to keeping the doors open. The new task is to make sure they can pay all the monthly bills and still have some money left over. It is not like it was 5 years ago when they could make alot of money despite themselves. Now the competition is greater, there are new laws to operate and promote, and the insurance companies are not paying like they were back then.
Many addiction treatment center owners have given out scholarships for care. They do these many times, however at some point there must be a limit. They would like to give everyone treatment but unfortunately, they need money to pay all the bills associated with running a center.
The Biggest Obstacles for Drug Rehab Owners
It costs big money to operate a substance abuse rehabilitation center. The dollars add up quick. If the owners and operators don’t pay attention to the billing and marketing, they will fall. They need to know exactly how much policies are paying and how long it will take for the center to get paid. This is not a time for guessing.
instantvob? has spoken with many drug rehab owners. Everyone said, “We needed to decrease the amount of time it takes to run a VOB.” Allowing clients to have this information upfront increases admission volume. Often, they need this information on nights and weekends when the insurance companies are closed.
Even during the weekdays during business hours, you could spend one-hour on the phone verifying benefits. This usually means that the outreach person must call back that person when they get the information. Whereas if the center had instant VOB software, they could have put that person on hold for about 60 seconds to get the information on the insurance, what it will pay and how long payment will take.
What Do the Smart Drug Rehab Owners Know?
The smart drug rehab owners understand to listen and research before deciding if the product or service will save them in some way. This includes decisions on the medical side and business side of operating a drug and alcohol addiction treatment center. This is a critical piece of advice.
It is impossible for one person to be able to perform every job needed to operate a drug rehab. Take for instance medical billing. There are so many things to know that they would have had to work for a?medical billing company. The bigger centers rely billing companies because on the qualified staff that has experience in substance use disorder billing.
Consider the difficulties of marketing. Here you must decide whether you want to pay Google to keep business coming in or pay a good drug rehab SEO agency to get your rehabilitation center ranked on page one. Either way, this takes a particular set of skills that many owners do not have. Many times, owners will choose a “boots on the ground” strategy. This may work a little at first, but it will not compare to using Google (PPC or SEO). Remember Google gets 40,000 searches every second. If you rank on page one, your phone is going to ring.
The smart drug rehab owners have a good handle on the revenue cycle management. They know how much money they need coming in to sustain themselves at any given time. This is critical because the bills must get paid.
Keeping Those Admissions Coming In
Drug rehab owners unfortunately need to have new admissions every month. Once a center is up and running, they need to concentrate on the threshold of admissions. Some say it’s a numbers game. It more than a numbers game because if the owners can pay all the bills, they are more likely to provide more scholarships for care. If they can’t keep their doors open, they cannot provide any scholarships.
This area requires a lot of attention on outreach. Like any business, here you want as many different buckets going on at the same time as possible. Some of the areas may include the following areas.
These are just a few areas to keep admissions coming in. Getting admissions is the hardest part about running a drug and alcohol addiction treatment center. Especially now with the PPC game requiring Legit Script certification before doing a PPC. Further complications is that the competition is steep with a dozen players spending $500,000 a month in pay-per-click.
Instantvob? Increases Admissions for Drug Rehab Owners
InstantVOB? provides immediate and accurate information on the benefits of a potential client. We want to be the best?instant verification of benefits?company. This includes nights and weekends when the insurance companies are closed. We have assisted many drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers in increasing their admissions with this state-of-the-art app. This app will do the following in every case in less than 60 seconds!
It is critical that outreach and admissions to be able to instantly advise on whether they will be able to admit them into your treatment center. Instantvob? goes even further with our?Daily Reimbursement Estimation. It provides needed revenue data that takes the risk out of admitting an individual. This is possible because we have spent many years recording data of payment providers and converting it into an algorithm.
Increase Your Admission Rates, Call Us Now
Drug and alcohol detox centers, impatient, intensive outpatient and outpatient facilities need to make more accurate admission decisions. instantvob? has helps many substance abuse rehabilitation centers save millions of dollars in unknown insurance reimbursements. Get the critical decision-making information you outreach staff needs.
Our app is affordable, and we can get you up and running in less than a day. Having this information will not only increase admissions but will also help in the revenue cycle management process. You will have a clearer picture of what is coming in from the insurance company and when you should receive payments. Give us a call right now at?561-530-5755?and let’s save more lives together.
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