Drug Pricing, Health Equity and Prescription Digital Therapeutics
Valuate Health Consultancy
Combining real world experience with advanced analytics and insights to improve market access for all.
Drug Pricing: Four Trends to Keep in Mind
Medicare drug-price negotiation is a big story in?#pharma right now, thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, but don’t forget these four trends:
How can we help you optimize access? Reach out to Dina Steinfurth .
New Episode of The IDI Podcast: Prescription Drug Therapeutics
In the latest episode of The IDI podcast, Christine Castiglione, MPH discusses the opportunities and challenges of #prescriptiondigitaltherapeutics.
"One of the top benefits is that prescription digital therapeutics offers access to treatment at any time," Castiglione says.
For payers, manufacturers and even physicians, one big challenge is deciding whether or not prescription drug therapeutics is a novel benefit. Clarifying PDT's benefit status "will help P&T committees know who the right stakeholders are that need to be at the table when making decisions about products, and then what the payment structure is going to look like," says Castiglione.
Listen to the episode wherever you hear podcasts, or click on this link.
Health Equity: The Hidden Challenge of Data Analytics
Think critically about representation when modeling healthcare data, according to the new health equity white paper Archbow Consulting , Entrée Health and Valuate. Data can unintentionally exacerbate health inequity by:
Read the white paper here.