Drug Epidemic Continues
I am writing this to you to ask you to take a look at the items attached about the problems associated with drugs, drug addiction and overdose.?
Each year about 107,543 Americans die from drug overdoses.? That is a low estimation because there are many deaths that families prefer not to have listed as overdose or related to drugs.? There is also the widespread issue in the USA about coroners.? Many of them are not medical doctors.? They are elected officers.? Many without medical training.? They will fill out the forms as they see fit.? Without an autopsy many times cause of death cannot be confirmed so they may record it as cardiac arrest or respiratory failure, undetermined, natural causes or one of the several others they have to choose from.
Following is a list of books I have written about the subject.? I include them as examples and I now ask the question – why aren’t these topics a daily focus in the news and on talk shows or in entertainment?? On average 17 veterans a day commit suicide.? This is a topic that is entwined with the drug problem.? Where is the attention to that?
It is estimated that around 5000 veterans a year die from drug overdose.? That’s nearly 5% of the total overdose deaths.
Looking at opioids let us examine the method behind addiction.? If any human being takes an opioid for a few days their body will become accustomed to it.? Any time up to 30 days and the body will become dependent on it and feelings of illness may occur if the dosage is stopped.? Any time between 30 and 90 days addiction will occur in any human consuming opioids.?
In Michigan limits were put on prescriptions for opioids.? There were limited placed on the number of milligrams per pill.? The doctors responded by prescribing more of the same pills at lower dosages and changing instructions for use to fit the new circumstance.? Cooperation and public health seemed to have taken a back seat in that tussle.? The best intentions ended up being fouled by corporate structures, behaviors of doctors who are resistant to change or, in many cases, are out of touch with the problems they are causing by prescribing these poisons so freely.
I hope you will take a look at the descriptions of the books following this short letter.
I share these on Amazon for free, I have a blog I put most of them on and produce videos and such things discussing the issues.
The book about Escaping Abuse has been very popular.
I started doing this on Facebook.? You can see the effect for yourself.? Go to a Facebook page that is concerned with overdose or losing someone to overdose or addiction.? You will often see someone complaining about something or announcing some horrible situation.? You may sometimes see people asking for help and advice.? Most of the time, and I don’t fault the people responding, the people responding will write things like : “Praying for you.”, “Praying.”? “Just hang on”, “That’s the way it is”.? Sometimes they tell people to leave the situation – which they don’t know how to do.? In some areas it is hard to get help.? In the United States it is easier to get fentanyl, cocaine or methamphetamine easier than it is to get help escaping abuse, alcohol or any one of those three drugs.
Addiction and Response: Stories of Addiction - Failure and Redemption
These stories have been taken from real world experiences. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Opioids have been prescribed to treat pain. They don't really treat pain - they mask it. If someone takes opioids - whether prescribed or illicit they can expect to be addicted in 30 to 60 to 90 days. Pain-relieving effects decrease and the pain can become worse. When dependence develops the user can experience withdrawal symptoms, which makes it difficult to stop taking them. Taking more than the prescribed amount or using illegal opioids like heroin may result in death. Not many people know this.
It is very easy for a person to hide even a very serious case of addiction from loved ones, friends and to keep it secret at work. It is a hidden menace.
Symptoms of addiction include uncontrollable cravings that drive a person to do horrible things to get the money they need to pay for the drug.
Treatment varies. Many users will not seek treatment as due to personality changes they are incapable of realizing they need help. Pairing medication with inpatient or support programs generally has the most success and may save a life and restore relationships. Nothing is guaranteed.
It is a life and death struggle.
Walking Through Tuesday Morning: Opioid Nightmares
'Walking Through Tuesday Afternoon' is a collection of poems concerning the nightmare existence associated with opioids and addiction. Touching on real events conveyed by eye witnesses, participants and victims this collection of poetry paints a dire picture of the current state of affairs surrounding the opioid epidemic. This particular collection dives right into the heart of the problem of stigma associated with addiction. Detailed in a plain manner very complex and disturbing issues are brought to light and out of the darkness. "It is in the darkness these things are most dangerous. Bring them into the light to see them and correct them, to think about them and fix what can be fixed, heal what can be healed and mourn the rest." Along with this collection of poems are artistic photographs selected from a private collection.
This Story Can Be Shared: Personal Accounts from the Opioid Epidemic in America
Enclosed here are 24 personal accounts taken from the Opioid Epidemic in America. They detail in chilling and emotional detail the horrendous toll this epic tragedy is taking on the nation. True stories told in fragments provide a jarring impact to those who are not aware of what has been happening as well as to those who have been come all too familiar with the killing zone.
Notes on the Opioid Crisis: Getting Involved
These few following pages contain some items I have written over the past year and a half.
I am a Director with the Northwest Wayne Chapter of FAN.
FAN stands for ‘Families Against Narcotics’.
Every month I attend one of our forums where we listen to speakers talk about various aspects of the opioid crisis, addiction and illicit drugs.
Each time there is litany of woeful stories and statements that include but are not limited to : ‘I lost my son…’, ‘I lost my daughter…’, ‘I lost my brother…’, ‘I lost my sister…’, and mothers and fathers and friends and neighbors.
It could make some people numb and I can see that it has. These unexpected deaths by healthy, happy people struck down so swiftly and without sound and seemingly without reason contains within it a horror that can only not be adequately expressed it is seems it cannot be perceived adequately even in the first person.
So I’ve collected these items together in this short book to give you a glimpse into what is going on. If you are experienced with this situation perhaps these items will make it clear how simple it is to write about it and talk about it.
The reason I am keen on that is because if we don’t talk about the problem we can’t plan and work our way out of it.
Bless you all.
When you can, be strong.
We need you.?
Children, Vets and Drugs: Truth and Justice in a Popular World
A collection of stories, articles and facts about the current drug and overdose epidemic. The articles talk about the impacts on children. Also included are other articles focusing on things involved in the whole mess. Options, choices and information are given to help escape or stop these problems. The read is invited to become involved by learning about the problems and learning the simple, though sometimes difficult ways, they can be addressed.
These articles are provided in plain-speaking English. They take a look at these deadly problems from several different perspectives. They are focused on providing relief, information and assistance to those who are struggling or are related to or know someone struggling with drugs and/or mental illness.
The articles are written in a compassionate and caring manner.
Escaping Abuse - Spouse, Alcohol, Drug, Violence: Wouldn't that be nice?
This book is about ways to help yourself and how to help others.
If you are being abused this book will provide you with a few options for you to look into. These are only a few but very powerful. There are tens of thousands of others. These are a few to get started with so that you can regain your life and pursue those things which you hold dear to your heart.
If know someone who is being abused this book will point you to some groups and people that can help you help others. All you would need to do is share them with someone you are concerned about.
Whether you are being abused, know someone who is suffering or just want to help this book will provide you with starting points. As you begin your journey or renew your journey to freedom and joy in life you will meet many heroes – the most important hero you will meet is yourself.
Drug and Alcohol Use in Adolescents and Young Adults
In the United States today there is a drug overdose epidemic. It is wounding and killing many people, especially young people. They can freely access a wide variety of powerful drugs. These drugs can have profound life changing consequences.
Use of these drugs can lead to addiction where the person using them needs to replenish their supply regularly or they will become sick. This resupply activity can become extremely expensive. If the money is not available for someone to purchase the drugs they may turn to criminal activities to get them. Some people exploit (sell) themselves to get a supply of the drugs they are seeking.
These drugs can also be adulterated, or have things added to them, that make them even more dangerous. The addition of fentanyl, for example, to drugs like heroin and cocaine, can lead to lifelong disability or death.
Many of the people purchasing and using these drugs, especially adolescents, are unaware of the potency of these drugs.
All of the substances in this book are poisonous if enough of them are taken. They can become poisonous at lower doses if mixed with other drugs and substances.
This is a complex issue with no quick fix once the problem has started. There are ways, however, to detect drug use early enough to intercede in a positive fashion with what is going on and even stop it before it goes too far. This is a job for individuals, families and friends. It is a community issue and we will all need to work together to solve it. The important thing is that you are not alone.
Older adults and seniors are not immune to this problem. As the illegal drug problem has worsened the availability of more and more powerful drugs used in medicine has increased as well. Older Americans are now prescribed powerful narcotics. These drugs can and do cause problems in their lives. By being aware of potential problems and symptoms we can help ourselves and our seniors enjoy life without being overcome by drugs first intended to help them.
This book can be used by all ages. It is intended as a guide to allow people to detect drug use in other – especially their loved ones. Drug use can go undetected until it has become a serious problem. After a drug problem has been revealed and steps taken to mitigate it or stop it then detecting ongoing drug use becomes even more critical.
Drug use can be easily hidden. This is not an exhaustive set of directions for detecting drug use. If a person wants to hide their drug use they can find ways to do it. The marketplace helps them along as we shall see. There are many products for sale today specifically targeting drug uses, and young drug users at that, to help them hide their drugs and conceal their drug use.
This book is arranged in four parts.
The first part deals with the various drugs that are abused in the United States. Details on the drug are provided along with their names and common names. Information about Detecting use of that particular drug are provided as well.