Dr.S.Narayanan|Green Mobility|SNS Institutions

Dr.S.Narayanan|Green Mobility|SNS Institutions

With the advent depleting conventional crude resources the global mobility is moving at a swift pace towards electrical energy as a fuel for mobility. At this juncture the significance of renewable sources of energy should not be undermined. One such source of renewable source is biomass. Commonly used biomass materials are saw dust, Fruit & vegetable peel, Plant waste, Animal waste, Lipids, Algal biomass and so on. The above said biomass undergoes a process called biomass digestion by means of microbial activity in absence of air through a process called anaerobic digestion. Biomass may also be converted to Bio Oil through fast pyrolysis and liquefaction. Large scale cultivation of plants and microalgae for the process of biomass and biofuels should be examined in connection with their Carbon dioxide ?sequestration? potential and their probable positive impact on Global Warming. I would like to conclude with the statement that Green renewable fuels ( Biodiesel, Bio-ethanol and Biogas) as fuel for Internal combustion engines deserves equal significance as that of electric mobility.



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