Drowning in Digital Distractions? 
1 Simple Tactic to Unplug This Weekend

Drowning in Digital Distractions? 1 Simple Tactic to Unplug This Weekend

Drowning in Digital Distractions? Notifications are hurling at us from every device 24/ 7 and it seems impossible to unplug from the demand of being chronically available.

What happened to those spontaneous conversations you would strike up at a coffee shop? Now, most of us are consumed by our digital devices and instinctively order up the wifi passcode with our chai latte. We stand in line "catching up" on texts with our heads down, instead of smiling at a stranger, striking up a conversation with someone or taking in our surroundings.

I was at the Hidden House Coffee shop a few weeks ago and I noticed that no one even bothered to look up. Eyes were glued to screens, heads down and fingers attempting to keep up with the nonstop pings of virtual interruptions, as you can see from my photo above. Noone even noticed that I took this picture, nor did they seem to care, as they were lost in their virtual existence.

Did you know that according to research, we actually get a dopamine hit every time we get a “like”? Harmless, right? Not really. This rewires our brain to unconsciously reach for the phone even when we have no reason to. In fact, the average number of times people touch their phones is 2,617 a day! are we in control of technology or we allowing technology to control us?

In my course, “Balancing Act: Work, Life & Technology”, at UCSD’s Rady Business School, I asked each participant to turn off their phones for 4 hours, as we explored the addictive hold our devices had over us. It was a challenging experience for all. Some felt anxious at first and adjusted while others were relieved and grateful for the permission to be present and undistracted. All were able to recognize the insidious way technology had crept into their lives and disconnected them from themselves, others, the ability to be present to focus on what really mattered to them. Everyone left with a clear strategy to unplug more from the virtual world and consciously plug into the real world.

Ask yourself this: who or what is being dismissed & disregarded while you are digitally distracted? Ready to refocus on reality and be present to what really matters to you? Great! Instead of giving you a list of things to do, I am giving you 1 simple, yet profound way to significantly free yourself from digital distractions. Practice this consistently at work & home and you will notice a difference. I guarantee it!

1 Simple Tactic to Unplug

Challenge yourself to turn off all notifications for 1 day. Notice how often you reach for your phone or anticipate receiving a notification. Then stretch it out to 2 days then 3 until you can live without all notifications. The purpose is to give the power and control over your digital life back to you! The endless pit of virtual reality is there when is right for you to check. This 1 simple tactic is perhaps the most powerful tool to being peaceful, present and productive in work & life.

And the next time you are in line putting your phone in your pocket and striking up a conversation with someone in line. Who knows, you might just brighten up someone's day and make your day a bit happier.

What are ways you like to unplug that have worked for you? I'd love to hear.

Be well!


Jill Tupper M.A. is a Professor at UCSD's Rady Business School of Management, Keynote Speaker and Corporate Wellness Innovator focusing on Mindful Leadership, Stress Reduction, Well-being and Work/Life Balance.

For more information about Jill Tupper please visit her website www.jilltupper.com


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