Droves Of Imbeciles
Holtz Realty

Droves Of Imbeciles

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

For whatever reason, I didn't see much of any change in the color of clothes people were wearing today, so I guess all these anxieties being created my our new Administration, are affecting a number of our yearly tributes to various segments of our society. For what it's worth, I did wear a bit-o-green today, just to let the universe know I'd not forgotten about St. Patrick.

I received a call from a prospective buyer who was asking if he could take a look a my new listing at 1303 - 6th St. SE tomorrow, which fit right into my schedule, so hopefully it'll be a good fit for them. I haven't yet heard how another agent's showing on it went today, so perhaps they're mulling it over like the ones who viewed it over the weekend.

Since I was getting mentally 'poked' with thoughts of calling my long-time friend these recent days, I figured it best I place a call, just to see how everything's been. Well, since I've always considered my friend one of the most level-headed and intelligent people I know, I dare say the bulk of our conversation centered around all these radical changes in our Federal government, which is deeply concerning the both of us. Towards the end of our conversation, I mentioned the fact that we will hopefully have an opportunity to flip things around a bit in the mid-terms, that's only if our democracy manages to survive that long.

Another colleague of mine, mentioned today his having just read where Iowa, Wisconsin and Indiana will be the States most negatively affected by the tariffs our POTUS has placed on various countries. Iowa alone, will possibly see well over 100,000 job losses. Well, I guess our Governor is still suffering the wrath of our POTUS for endorsing DeSantis instead of him. For being in such a high position of government, he sure can't get over being snubbed or criticized. For what it's worth, I believe anyone who can't endure the slings and arrows of public oponion, is a classic example of a very self-conscious and weak character.

A dear one I'd worked with on a real estate transaction, stopped by today to drop off a gift of homemade goodies along with a touching thank you card for the help I'd provided with getting that property sold. Yes, there are still some really good people out there who're able to step out of themselves because they know we're all in it together, instead of these 2,000+ billionaires we now have in this country who're hell-bent on taking every nickel and dime they can from our struggling masses. Yes, that visit ended up being the highlight of my day.

I did happen to watch a video today about a guy who went 'under-cover' to one of those many MAGA seminar/rallies in Missouri which was very similar to those being held all across our Nation prior to this past election. Oh my goodness! What he was telling about what went on at those meetings, reminded me of the goings-on in those mega-churches where they have people standing up and giving testimony, the laying of hands and then people falling on the floor, along with some presenters even speaking in tongues. Wow! Now if that doesn't sound like hard-core propagandizing of simple-minded people, I don't know what does. I can now see in my mind those droves of imbeciles making their pilgrimages to such events with their MAGA hats, t-shirts and posters for all to see. Like I've been told many times, we must never underestimate the stupidity of the general public.

Some days ago, a colleague of mine mentioned a curious long-term relationship Vice-President J.D. Vance has had with Peter Thiel who happens to be another alt-right multi-billionaire that's been working for quite some time in the shadows of our political arenas, so late yesterday, I spent a little time doing some research on him. Wow! So here we have another person that was born in another country like Musk, and ended up becoming quite the rising star in the world of technology. His big break was when after selling his stake in PayPal, he went on to deeply invest in Facebook which enabled him to make one shite-load of money out of that business relationship.

I dared not forward a video I watched about him which I believe must've been created in Germany, but I will share on the bottom of this paragraph, a Forbes article about Vance's relationship with him which is presented in a timeline form. After watching that video about Thiel, and then reading Vance's connection with him, was one more confirmation that our Vice President has had extended relationships with those alt-right billionaires and politicians. As far as I'm concerned, that old saying, 'like attracts like', rings crystal clear, so here's the link: What To Know About The Relationship Between Trump’s VP Pick And The Billionaire

Tonight's One-liner is: If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2025/03/17/droves-of-imbeciles/


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