DROP MTG - NO Seasoning requirements for MTG lates, Foreclosure or Short Sale

DROP MTG - NO Seasoning requirements for MTG lates, Foreclosure or Short Sale

A new wave of nonbank lenders is bringing these risky buyers back into the housing market some seven years after the mortgage meltdown. The lenders are targeting borrowers who have recently gone through a foreclosure, short sale or bankruptcy—but who they say are safer than their credit profiles suggest. They are sometimes approving borrowers in as little as a few months or even weeks after a foreclosure.

I want to introduce you to DROP Mortgage. We were founded on the principle that underwriting should "Make Sense" and that a personal touch is never overlooked. The problem with mortgage lending in today’s market is if you don't fit in a conventional box, your loan will most likely be denied. At DROP Mortgage, Inc. we take a common sense approach to underwriting and understand the true potential of a self employed borrower. We want to understand you and your financial story, so we may tailor mortgage solutions to your needs. If you have compensating factors or can demonstrate the ability to re-pay in an unconventional way, we want to approve your loan. We understand the financial crisis still plays a part in your world and today’s market, if you are able to express hardship; we can approve your financing One day out of Foreclosure or Short Sale.

Feel free to call or email me to discuss any scenario’s you may have

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