Droning On
Another weakness of mine is that I cannot merely work a job. I don't do anything without good reason. Work is a beehive. Some need to buzz off but that's another story.
It is valuable to play to the strengths of your employees. The last thing anyone needs is to spend time in the wrong position. Some simply do not want you to get ahead. Why? There is no good answer but when you want to do more, take on more responsibility and that desire is disregarded, you are probably dealing with bad management.
At times I had to say "It's not my business." If the employer is so set in their ways that they don't want to give you the opportunity to make more money for them, what can you do? It's work, not work release. Not everyone can be a king bee but who they decide should have more responsibility says more about them than your potential.
One of the more cynical phrases I probably shouldn't use is "The Employees They Deserve." If companies hire the people they like instead of the most efficient candidates, work should not be a popularity contest. That is a sign of limited leadership. Nurturing inefficient employees will not lead to long term growth. If you are popular now, next year they might like someone else.
Vanilla Ice was riding high in 1990. He sold more albums than the Top Ten performers sold this year. That is more a statement on the irrelevance of the record industry but by 1992 Vanilla Ice was vilified by the same outlets that praised him. He was never as good or as bad as they claimed but as soon as someone likes you they can turn on you for no good reason.
It is important to maintain skills. Even if you aren't the boss, act in an authoritative manner as if you know what you are doing. Use your judgment and be true to yourself. If others don't see your potential, eventually you will move to a higher position. They may take credit for your hard work and desire but you'll know the truth.