Drone Safety Day 2022
Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc.
Providing trusted aviation training products and pilot supplies for more than 85 years.
Saturday, June 18, 2022 marks Drone Safety Day (DSD). In recent years, drones—also called Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS)—have taken over as the fastest growing aircraft segment within the United States National Airspace System (NAS). UAS come in a variety of shapes and sizes and serve diverse purposes, including search and rescue operations, aerial photography and surveying, and more recently, package delivery!
Uncrewed Aircraft System (UAS): A system consisting of an uncrewed aircraft, a data link, a ground control station, and any necessary ground support equipment.
What exactly is drone safety day? The FAA has organized a National Drone Safety Awareness Week each year from 2019 through 2021. This year, the FAA is evolving its approach with a single Drone Safety Day, and the safety message this year is Fly RIGHT.
To learn more about DSD and this year’s safety message, the five focus areas of drone safety day 2022, and how you can be involved, check out the DSD 2022 Playbook.
Drones by the Numbers and Safety at the Forefront
As of January 2022
860,000+ Total Registered Drones
537,945 Recreational Drones Registered
315,955 Commercial Drones Registered
282,262 Remote Pilots Certified
With the huge influx in the number of UAS operating within the NAS, it is imperative that remote pilots and recreational users understand and are aware of the rules and regulations governing drone operations and the NAS. Remember: UAS are sharing the same airspace above our heads as civil and military crewed aircraft. To date, the percentage of accidents or incidents involving crewed and uncrewed aircraft have been minimal, but mid-air collisions between crewed and uncrewed aircraft have occurred, along with numerous incidents like airspace violations which are very disruptive.
As the industry evolves, numerous regulatory changes have allowed for a much smoother implementation of UAS into the NAS and ease of operation for all. In terms of safety and technology, we will continue to see regulatory changes. It’s important Remote Pilots stay informed with these regulatory changes; ASA provides free updates to help with this: asa2fly.com/fardupate.
Watch your social media for local and virtual events this Saturday.