Drone parcel delivery by Amazon... coming soon?
Marek Rozycki
Last Mile Expert, Independent Board Advisor & Business Angel. Specialises in CEP and e-commerce last mile with focus on PUDO/parcellockers and M&A due diligence support.
Please find, Andrew Blogg's and my recent article for Postal & Parcel Technology International; enjoy..and comment, please!
Is Amazon ready to deploy drones at scale? Analysis of the regulatory hurdles and other issues that need to be overcome before the skies turn dark with drones, with Marek Ró?ycki, Last Mile Experts and Andrew Blogg, Dronecloud
Amazon has applied for a waiver with the FAA that would allow the e-commerce giant to begin drone delivery in the US.
According to the application, Amazon’s Prime Air service would use drones capable of carrying up to 5 lb (2.25kg) to deliver parcels to customers within 30 minutes or less. This weight represents around two-thirds of the parcels delivered by Amazon in the US.
While Ian Kerr, my partner in crime for PPTI articles and host of the Postal Hub Podcast, is not known to be a fan of UAVs, there is increasing interest in this form of last mile delivery. The question now is: Can it work at scale in the reasonably near future?
If we look at Amazon’s application, we can see that the drone’s flight path to the consignee would be set by Prime Air Unmanned Traffic Management based on the customer’s delivery location, the parcel weight, current environmental conditions, air traffic and airspace constraints, and take-off and landing location constraints (see diagram below).
The autonomous flight would be beyond the visual line of sight – something that has held back commercial drone operations in the US and many other places, due to current concerns about safety. Customers will need to mark the delivery location with a special marker and the drone will use its sensors to ensure the delivery area is clear. It will descend to a safe delivery height, hold in a hover position and, as long as there are no obstructions or hazards sensed, will release the package.
Andrew Blogg, co-founder of Dronecloud, a leading drone management platform for enabling commercial drone operations and deliveries, comments, “It feels as though we’ve been waiting a long time for drone deliveries to come to fruition. But this isn’t like any other industry that can simply scale up; there are global aviation regulations to develop and implement. As these mature, drone deliveries will be sure to scale up and become reality.”
Indeed, there are several reasons why drones haven’t so far been used at scale. The main ones are that most parcels are delivered in dense urban areas with heavy infrastructure that could impede safe drone flight. Difficulties are compounded by the lack of suitable landing areas, numerous no-fly zones or reliable independent and automated control over potential large numbers of drone flights. For these reasons, we believe that UAV parcel delivery at scale is still a thing of the future in urban areas.
There are, however, several use cases where drones have solved specific issues. One example is drone flights delivering medicines or other urgently needed supplies in low physical infrastructure areas of Africa and Australia, with Zipline being the most notable success story delivering blood supplies in Ghana. Another is drone delivery up difficult to access mountain areas, where the drone takes several times less time than a normal delivery vehicle. One example is DHL’s parcelcopter, which carries out fully autonomous deliveries through the winds and snow of the Bavarian Alps for customers in two mountain communities.
These examples will be followed by many more, especially in rural and perhaps some suburban areas. This could involve drone ports on parcel lockers, or courier delivery vehicles that can release several drones in the same way that Mercedes ‘mother ship’ type vans have released Starship AGVs (autonomous ground vehicles) in the past.
But to answer our earlier question – no we can’t expect drone deliveries at scale within the next 5-10 years. But as AGVs become more popular we can also expect more use of drones, especially in rural areas. So while the postie and courier will still be the norm for now, watch this space. Things will be changing.
This view is supported by Blogg: “Despite all the hype around deliveries not coming to fruition as we expected, we’re not concerned. The technology is rapidly developing and there is a huge amount of work and companies putting efforts into developing a common set of rules to integrate drone safely into the airspace. This isn’t something to be rushed, the public still needs to be onside with all this to make it work. When all these elements converge, you can be sure that in years to come drone deliveries will be bringing benefits to us all on a global scale.”
Customer Support Coordinator
5 年Can't wait to see the Lawyer commercials. "Were you, a family member, or pet, injured or frightened by a drone? Call 1-800-MKU-RICH
still amazing to be able to be part of these developments
Senior Leader and Advisor
5 年I would actually be really curious to see how the economics and operations plans for #cargodrones?work. So far, the discussion seems to focus on innovation and flight safety but there aren't many "numbers". ?Costs for?#drones?are quoted between $20K up to $60K which compares to a #mercedes?sprinter van of around $40K. #van?#driver?around $50K p/a. ?A "man + van" deliver around 140 parcels / day. A drone? It's likely to be 1 parcel at a time. So; how many per day? What about range? Long range drones available on the market have a range of up to 8 miles and flight times of up to 30 minutes which, even if you quintuple that for whatever #ups?#amazon?and may have developed, lies way behind what a van can do. At least for now. ? Would I like to "believe" in drones? Probably.? Will we be "there yet" in the short term? That depends on the answers to the questions above.? Does anyone have any? I would love to hear from you.?
Africa Business Development Manager at Mailamericas
5 年Beautiful development.The world is waiting for great innovations like this,The delivery industry will surely be helped with this? type of technology as it will increase speed, ensure safety and reduce downtime,However human touch will still remain an issue since drones are not humans and that personal side will be missing
Marketplace z kursami pe?en recenzji I Marketplace z produktami ekologicznymi dla m??czyzn I Buduj? platform? e-commerce z video recenzjami produktów
5 年Jestem za tym :) Licz?c ilo?? codziennych dostaw w du?ych miastach z du?ymi skupiskami to b?dziemy mie? niebo zakryte dronami :) I w mie?cie wi?kszo?? ludzi ma mieszkania, powiedzmy ze wi?kszo?? z balkonami, zatem to b?dzie musia? by? niezwykle zwinny dron aby posadzi? paczk? na czyim? balkonie, który ma daszek od s?siada z góry. Gorzej jak upu?ci paczk? komu? na g?ow? :) Ogólnie jestem na tak :) Zak?adam ze t? sam? drog? dron b?dzie przylatywa? na balkon zabiera? zwroty, b?dzie musia? mie? jaki? dobry chwytak i lepiej ?eby nie pomyli? paczki z kwiatkami w doniczce :) Kurierzy bójcie si? o prace :)