Drone, Business And Humans
Astrid Amalia, S.H.
Founder | Digital Marketing & Communications Coordinator | HSE | T-BOSIET | Well Control | Fire | Cybersecurity | Leadership | AI | Finance | Yoga Teacher | Author: Tetap Sehat dengan Yoga | Catholic | I HATE SMOKER!
When the Drone was made, the initial goal was to make photos and videos that can be watched and entertaining. With the development of technology in sophisticated Drone, finally, the Drone has become the equipment used in our daily lives. We can see the Drone when we sit in the yard or when we walk around somewhere. The Drone is finally used at work, in the business world, and in all industries.
The Drone is used in the business world because business owners know that Drone can:
- Simplify work
- Provide and ensure security for workers and companies
- Monitor inaccessible and dangerous locations
- Collect data
The Drone can provide security because the company owner can use Drone to supervise and check the work carried out by employees. The company owner can see the video produced by the sophistication of technology in the Drone (sensor, GPS, 3D, and others) and find errors/problems/accidents that they cannot see.
The positive side of the Drone:
- Easy to move
- Durable
- Small so that it can enter a narrow and dangerous area
- Work faster
- Save time and money
In the future, the Drone can be pleasant and helpful equipment because the Drone can provide more useful services for humans.
Special Notes:
* Human eyes can only see one point, but the Drone can see all points
* Humans have limitations, but these limitations can be overcome by making sophisticated equipment and one of them is a Drone
* Drone, Robot and sophisticated technology must be seen and considered as equipment that helps humans, not considered as equipment that disturbs humans
This article can also be read on my blog: https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com/2023/03/drone-business-and-humans.html