Drone Ambassadors
Whether you are a commercially licensed drone pilot, or a recreational flyer, we are all Drone Ambassadors. Sometimes we find ourselves in a role we did not seek. In short, by default. I somewhat alluded to this point in a previous article Should I Fly. Although I did nothing wrong I mentioned that I could have handled the situation better and maybe changed the image on how drone enthusiasts are looked upon.?
There are situations when it is obvious you are working. Some indicators are you may be wearing a reflective vest, you have cones set up delineating your work area, and you may have a visual observer or other assistants. Or, you may be flying recreationally in a Federally Recognized Identification Area (FRIA) under a Community Based Organization (CBO). This is usually with a group of like minded individuals. But there are times it’s not so obvious. This is the time we must be aware of how we conduct our drone operations.?
Knowing your surroundings, are there people present, and are you operating in a safe manner? Without saying a word, the aforementioned will go a long way when onlookers who are observing your actions. But, this is just part of the equation. Dealing with skeptics tactfully and with respect when interacting with people is another part of the equation. Both are equally important.?
Drone Ambassadors work hard to maintain a favorable image, but it only takes one unfriendly interaction to reinforce someone’s negative view. This is not the result from a scientific study, but I would say 90 percent of drone operators are not willfully trying to destroy our image with the public. The other 10 percent just don't know or just don't care. Do we sometimes fall outside of the boundaries, I can say I have. But once I identify that I have, I self correct.?
My intention is to heighten the awareness of the role we play as drone ambassadors. My belief is sometimes we are placed in a role and it is not by choice. Thank you for your time and I appreciate your comments.?