Driving Solutions | Addressing Loss and Damage in a Changing Climate
Since 2010, IMPACT has been deploying a wide range of assessments that can be used to better understand loss and damage. From flood impact analysis (Derna Floods in 2023) to single hazard (South Sudan Drought) or multi-hazard exposure mapping (Moldova) and vulnerability analysis (Horn of Africa), IMPACT has tested in the field multiple assessment approaches that can inform efforts to avert, minimize and address loss and damage in countries affected by climate and conflict shocks. Capitalizing on our experience, IMPACT was invited to the 2024 UNDRR-hosted Bonn Technical Forum to better understand the loss and damage data ecosystem. In parallel, IMPACT also contributed to a publication by the Loss and Damage Collaboration ‘It’s Time for Solutions! Addressing Displacement and Other Human Mobility Challenges in the Context of Climate Change Loss and Damage’, focusing on the quantification and measuring of displacement-related loss and damage. Here are a few takeaways from these two exercises:
The Good News
The Challenges
Looking Ahead
Capitalizing on the experience from Desinventar, one of the reference disaster data information management systems rolled out since the mid-1990s, UNDRR is developing a system to improve tracking of hazardous events and disaster losses and damages. These efforts to homogenize disaster data will improve our collective understanding of loss and damage; however, any information system is only as good as its data inputs. Capacity building and bringing together both the vast wealth of knowledge available locally in conjunction with the impressive array of research tools available in 2024 (earth observation, big data, AI-assisted image segmentation), will truly enable us to get a holistic understanding of loss and damage.
IMPACT will continue supporting efforts to better understand loss and damage through its multiple assessment programs in countries affected by climate change as a member of the Santiago Network on Loss and Damage.
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