Driving Social Value Together

Driving Social Value Together

With the Procurement Act 2023 set to be fully introduced in October 2024, it’s no surprise that social value is taking centre stage in procurement, as contracting authorities ‘must have regard to the national procurement policy statement.' (source: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2023/54/section/13)

Delivering Social Value (SV) is fundamental to the Constellia Neutral Vendor model. We work with Contracting Authorities and suppliers to create realistic and realisable SV delivery targets in our projects aligned to both Acts.

Here is how Constellia makes it easier for public sector organisations and suppliers to deliver on their social value obligations and commitments:

1. Local Supply Chains for Local Benefit:

  • We can identify and recommend local SMEs for inclusion in all tenders. ?Where not feasible, we will encourage Contracting Authorities to include in their requirements the need for local SMEs to be included at the appropriate tier to enable delivery.
  • Constellia's marketplace features a significant presence of Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), comprising over 83% of projects delivered via the Constellia Neutral Vendor model throughout 2023.

By providing Contracting Authorities access to work with service providers of all shapes and sizes, we help to drive cost-effectiveness, introduce specialised areas of expertise and provide the flexibility that smaller businesses often bring to create a positive local impact.

2. Maximising Support to VCSEs:

  • We continuously work to increase the number of local VCSEs in our marketplace, making it easier for Contracting Authorities to contract direct, reinvesting resource back in the area.
  • Our partnership with whatimpact.com makes it easier for suppliers to work with VCSEs that can provide real, tangible and demonstrable SV outcomes delivered to suit the needs of each customer and their communities. Additionally, whatimpact.com empowers organisations to deliver contract-specific social value plans and provides validated impact reporting, ensuring alignment with social value activities and proving their commitment to clients.

3.?Delivery Through Projects:

  • Contractual Milestone Integration: Social value can be incorporated as one of the contractual milestones in the overall SoW to ensure this can become measurable and paid to suppliers upon delivery.
  • Flexible Implementation: Our approach allows social value assessment throughout the contract lifecycle, or as a final milestone.
  • Social Value Platform Integration: We can integrate with your social value processes and platforms like Social Value Portal.

If you are at the Procurement Act Expo tomorrow, visit us at Stand 7 to discover how Constellia can help you achieve your social value goals and add value to your procurement.?

Constellia – Stand 7

Our partners whatimpact.com will also be speaking and exhibiting at the show – please do pop by and say hello!

whatimpact - Stand 24

11:40 – 12:10 | The Principles of Hyper-Local,Contract-Specific Social Value Delivery Through Partnerships with Tiia Sammallahti .

Get in touch to book a meeting with us today by emailing [email protected].


#ProcurementActExpo #PublicSector #Procurement #SocialValue




