Driving schools and trainers.
I have for many years been a supporter of together we stand and divided we fall. This has never been more true than right now as we all fight Covid 19. I suspect that a large number of ADI's will find alternative employment in the short term. Some will not come back.
Over my 33 years as and ADI I have tried to put together a co operative group of instructors, trainers and schools,ideally from all subjects. With the aim of nothing more than producing customers. My company Allied Driving Schools Ltd has been successfully cross selling between services for years. Just imagine how successful that could be on a national basis. A brand and livery that connects all, but the independents to not affect your day to day establish business. I could name lots of household names that do this very successfully.
I see no reason why 600+ contacts across the uk can not work with the same goal. If done correctly the individual marketing cost should come down, the stream of pupils should go up along with the profit margin. This could not be open to all, and could not be free.
My vision is a central web site and phone number, a set of standards and values common to all that belong. In this Tech driven world this could be run on a majority rules process using video conferencing.
Does any one share my desire to move away from the cottage industry that dominates the majority of the industry. I have over the years trained and employed many instructors for them to default on contracts, steal customers, set up new businesses in my area and have a business plan that is based on being cheaper than myself and others. I have no problem this competition. This constant cycle is impossible to break with out a change in legislation. The DVSA to not seem to have a desire to do this even though they fully acknowledge that most driving schools are underfunded. They DIA, MSM and others take care of legislation and rules. Most of these organisations do very little for the commercial health of Profit. With out profit you can not have standards and values. If a trainer is not being paid enough he/she will not be driven to deliver excellence. This you expect of school teachers for your children.
If you would like to join me in doing some thing positive for your profit and the industry as a whole contact me. #training #adi #ritib #itsar #lorry #bus #motorcycle #car