Driving Safety Tips
Salah Aldin Mohamed, CLTD , SAP User
Transportation Management | Warehouse Management | Distribution | Fleet Management | 3PL | TDS advisor
Truck accidents are very common and can cause serious injuries or even death. Many people do not realize the dangers that trucks pose, but there are many things that you can do to protect yourself from being involved in a truck accident. The first thing that you should do is make sure that you have the proper safety equipment on at all times when driving a truck. The most important piece of safety equipment for any driver is their seat belt. If an accident were to occur, having your seat belt on could save your life because it could prevent you from being thrown out of the vehicle or pinned.
A car accident is one of the most dangerous things that can happen to a person. In fact, it’s the third-leading cause of death in the United States. According to statistics, approximately 3,500 people die each year due to an automobile accident. This number doesn’t include those who are injured or those who have their lives ruined from being involved in a car accident.
The average car tire has a lifespan of about six years. The lifespan of the tires depends on how well they are maintained and how much they are driven. Tires can be damaged by road debris, over-inflation, under-inflation, and even from natural causes such as dry rot or cracking from aging. Road debris is the most common cause of damage to car tires. Debris can get caught in between the treads of your tire causing it to wear unevenly and quickly lose traction
The purpose of this essay is to discuss some important safety tips for when you are in your vehicle and how you can protect yourself from becoming a victim of an automobile crash. stay safe all time , keep your car on good condition , follow the rules your safety and others on roads are priceless.