Driving Responsible Business Practices: The Impact and Implications of the Revised OECD MNE Guidelines
The OECD MNE Guidelines serve as a crucial framework for multinational enterprises, providing a set of government-backed recommendations that promote economic, environmental, and social progress. First introduced in 1976, these guidelines address several critical business responsibility domains, including but not limited to:
Over the decades, the guidelines have seen multiple updates, each reflecting the evolution of the global business landscape and emerging challenges. The latest version, adopted by the OECD Council of Ministers on June 8, 2023, incorporates current pressing issues such as:
This latest iteration also offers an updated implementation framework for National Contact Points for Responsible Business Conduct.
Notably, these guidelines, while comprehensive, are voluntary and non-binding. They are not designed to impose legal obligations but to complement and reinforce existing domestic and international laws and regulations that govern multinational enterprises' conduct.
In an interesting development, the recent adoption of the OECD MNE Guidelines coincides closely with the approval of the EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability by the EU Parliament on June 1, 2023. Both the OECD MNE Guidelines and the EU Directive emphasize corporate accountability, transparency, and sustainability, highlighting the pressing need for multinational enterprises to align their strategies with sustainable and responsible business practices. This synchronicity reflects a broader international consensus on the importance of responsible business conduct in today's global economy (comparison between these two is to come).
More details in the article below:
Detailed Analysis of the Guidelines
The Updated Guidelines
The 2023 edition of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (MNE) incorporates significant revisions that mirror current business and societal contexts. Key updates encompass areas such as climate change, technology, business integrity, and supply chain due diligence.
In comparison to its predecessor, the 2023 edition of the guidelines offers a more thorough and wide-ranging approach to responsible business conduct. It not only extends the guidelines' reach to new sectors like technology, but it also underscores the importance of due diligence, particularly within supply chains.
For instance, in the 2011 Guidelines, it was suggested that companies should "respect the rights of workers employed by the MNE to establish or join trade unions (...)." However, the scope of this recommendation has now been expanded to encompass all workers across various business relationships. The updated guidelines emphasize the importance of companies providing training, up-skilling, and re-skilling opportunities for their workers in anticipation of forthcoming operational changes and evolving employer requirements. This includes preparing them for technological advancements, automation, digitalization, and the overall transition towards a more sustainable and just future.
In the revised guidelines, the OECD stresses the need for implementing strong compliance programs and conducting exhaustive due diligence to alleviate potential adverse impacts. They encourage businesses to perform risk assessments, establish systematic processes for identifying, preventing, and mitigating risks, and conduct regular audits to confirm compliance.
General Principles
In the new OECD guidelines 2023 responsible business conduct, risk-based due diligence is now required for all “business relationships” beyond contractual relationships, for both upstream and downstream. The new concept of business relationship includes business partners, sub-contractors, franchisees, investee companies, clients, and joint-venture partners. It does not include end-use individual consumers that are not tied to governments or business.
The 2023 OECD Guidelines emphasize the importance of thorough and risk-based due diligence. Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) are encouraged to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of their operations and supply chains to identify, prevent, and mitigate potential adverse impacts on areas such as human rights, labor rights, environment, and business integrity. This involves not only understanding and evaluating their own activities, but also assessing their business relationships and the potential impacts related to their operations, products, or services.
The due diligence process as recommended by the OECD involves proactive engagement rather than a one-off exercise. This means the due diligence should be continuous, iterative, and responsive to changes. The Guidelines further emphasize the importance of transparency and clear communication about how impacts are addressed.
Risk Assessment
The 2023 Guidelines place a strong emphasis on rigorous risk assessments as a crucial part of due diligence. The risk assessment process should cover both actual and potential adverse impacts and should be carried out regularly to account for changes in the business environment. This includes assessing risks that might be linked to an enterprise's operations, products, or services through a business relationship.
These risks span several dimensions, including, but not limited to, social, environmental, legal, and economic risks. The goal of these assessments, as per the Guidelines, is not merely to avoid adverse impacts on the enterprise itself, but more importantly, to prevent and mitigate adverse impacts on people, the planet, and society.
Testing of Compliance Programs
The 2023 Guidelines suggest that compliance programs should not only exist on paper but should also be effectively operational. This means they need to be tested and audited regularly for effectiveness. The Guidelines recommend that these audits should be conducted in a transparent manner, with results communicated to relevant stakeholders, including the governing authority of the enterprise.
The Guidelines further indicate that non-compliance should be met with appropriate consequences, and corrective actions should be taken swiftly. This process should involve a clear understanding of the reasons for non-compliance, taking appropriate corrective actions, and then reassessing to ensure the effectiveness of those actions.
In essence, the OECD's Guidelines encourage a culture of ongoing monitoring, reporting, and improvement, thus emphasizing the importance of a dynamic and responsive approach to compliance.
Environmental Responsibility
The updated guidelines introduce a comprehensive environmental risk-based due diligence framework. This framework encompasses a wide range of environmental concerns, including but not limited to climate change, biodiversity loss, land degradation, marine and freshwater ecosystem deterioration, deforestation, air, water, and soil pollution, as well as the proper management of hazardous waste. Importantly, this due diligence requirement extends to both a company's own operations and its business relationships, going beyond the provisions found in existing laws.
Technology and Innovation
==> The revised guidelines pose a risk of catalyzing future policy developments, particularly in Europe. This is especially relevant in light of the EU directive on corporate sustainability, which we will later compare to these guidelines. The influential nature of the OECD Guidelines is expected to impact negotiations for the UN Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights. Additionally, certain additions, such as those related to just transition and worker skilling, may have implications for future ILO negotiations. Overall, these guidelines hold significant potential to shape regional and international policy discussions, including the ongoing developments in the EU directive on corporate sustainability.