Driving In This Howling Wind
Another day of yo-yoing weather has taken place, and I'm just not so sure how dangerous the streets and roads are going to be when tomorrow arrives. When out driving this afternoon, at one moment it was raining, and the next my windshield was getting pelleted with frozen sleet. I'm hoping everyone made it home without any ditch-diving or fender-bending while driving in this howling wind.
My first appointment was to meet with a seller to sign another document a closing company decided they wanted after I'd already sent them an overnight containing everything I was instructed they needed. I thought the top of my head was going to blow off after receiving an email from them requesting a document they'd just forwarded me to be filled out, signed, notarized and then shipped off to them before the closing day arrived. With that said, by the time I came back from the post office for the second time in less that 24 hours, I'd spent nearly $60 to get them what they wanted on time. As I said to a colleague today, "I absolutely hate these last minute requests which could've been made weeks ago." Another annoyance I had, was after seeing how they'd altered the amount of the seller's proceeds, I discovered they added 10 more days of interest on the mortgage payoff, but what really got me, was knowing my seller was going to be charged for wiring those funds to that bank. I might as well saved my breath when asking why because all I got back was, "It's our policy." Policy schmolisy, there's no way I could justify adding ten days of interest to a payoff unless it was going by carrier pigeon to China. Oh well, I have to drink their Kool-Aid just this once to get that sale closed.
Late this morning, I met with a new tenant to get his lease signed and amount due collected. His father was with him again, so I made sure the both of them were up to speed on the rules. Before heading over for their final walk-thru, I made sure he was aware of the days the garbage goes and the type of soap to be used on that unit's wooden floors. I'll be wishing the best for that young man who recently moved here from out of State.
While looking at the real estate happenings in our MLS website which the general public is not privy to, I was not surprised to find another well over half million dollar home now being posted under contract. There's no way, shape or form I'd even think about wanting to live in that house, but since we have so few active listings, I guess those buyers were after size only. Whomever had that home custom built, definitely had unusual tastes in design and appeal.
My agent Brandon Neve just listed a cute little one bedroom home located at 532 - 5th St. SE which happens to be in the River Heights area. I've always said, "Anytime there's a home in that district which is north of Hwy 122, it sells, and mostly because of the higher-end homes in the vicinity. There's no doubt it'll sell quickly, and likely to a tenant wanting to get out of having to fork over rent every month. It's had a number of updates which should make it more appealing to our younger crowd, so if you know anyone looking for a low-priced home, please pass it along.
Every single day, and sometimes twice, I take a look at our online news to see what's happening in Ukraine. The more I read, the more I'm convinced Putin has a serious mental problem which is placing the lives of many hundreds of thousands of people in jeopardy. I just can't get my brain wrapped around someone who's pushing 70 years old, acting like a high school jock that's on a testosterone high. I'm beginning to think he's just about as bad as Stalin with his paranoias. Let's just hope those in his inner circle get him to see reason before it's too late.
It's very scary when hearing how he's filled the minds of the Russians with all his "fake news" about what's definitely not happening in Ukraine. The big problem he'll be having going forward, is the young of Russia who're able to still find ways to get real news feeds and start spreading the truth. Between Russia, China, North Korea, and Belarus, just consider for a moment how many multi-million people are being held hostage by the whims of four men. I think everyone needs to get that book "Man's Greatest Fear" and give it a good read, and maybe a re-reading just to make sure it's understood. As they've said, the next great extinction will be caused for the first time by humans.
What sort of creeped me out, was reading some of this year's predictions about 2022 given by a psychic blind woman who's now dead, and the most chilling was her saying there'll be a long-frozen virus which will start spreading thru Russia and the world because of the thawing permafrost. Not two days ago I read an article about a virus which started in Russia back in the 1800's which caused the death of far more than was ever reported. Having happened that many generations ago, is likely why my grandparents never spoke of it. As Roseanne Roseannadanna would say, "If it isn't one thing, it's another."
After opening my office mail today, I found a thank you note from a dear one who penned it on behalf of her very senior relative who's now in a nursing home. It sounded like that little gift I'd given was well received along with another I'd given the relative. I was just as touched by those words as they likely were when getting my little gifts, which is a reminder to us all how important it is to take a few moments out of our selfish lives and do a few kind things for others. Even the smallest of good deeds may seem unworthy of mention, but in fact, they're taken to heart and held fast. Yes, we do have keep those threads that bind us all, strong and tightly woven.
Tonight's One-liner is: Morality is the custom of one's country and the current feeling of one's peers.