Driving Climate Action: July Recap

Driving Climate Action: July Recap

This month, we're turning the spotlight on five crucial Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) highlighted by the United Nations: No Poverty (SDG 1), Zero Hunger (SDG 2), Climate Action (SDG 13), Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (SDG 16), and Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17).

These interconnected goals address some of the world's most pressing challenges and are essential for achieving the ambitious 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

In this newsletter, we'll delve deeper into each SDG, exploring the current landscape, challenges, and ongoing efforts. We'll also showcase inspiring ClimateTrade projects that contribute directly to these goals, demonstrating how positive change is happening around the world.

Additionally, we've included a range of articles to keep you informed and engaged, including an interview with Will Solutions on their innovative community decarbonisation project, a guide to purchasing premium carbon credits, a spotlight on top-selling carbon offset projects, and a critical analysis of recent criticisms against the Voluntary Carbon Market.

United Nations SDG Goals of the month: 1, 2, 13, 16 & 17

The United Nations has designated July 2024 as a focus month for SDGs 1, 2, 13, 16, and 17. This emphasis highlights the interconnectedness of these goals and their critical role in achieving the broader 2030 Agenda.

Goal 1: No Poverty

  • Challenge: Global poverty rates have decreased, but progress is uneven. Many people still live in extreme poverty, particularly in conflict-affected areas and developing countries.
  • Progress: Efforts to provide social protection, access to basic services, and economic opportunities have shown some positive results. However, the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing crises have reversed gains in poverty reduction for millions.
  • Focus: Strengthening social protection systems, promoting inclusive economic growth, and addressing inequalities are key priorities.

ClimateTrade project that supports SDG1:

Protecting forests in Colombia: REDD+ PAZCíFICO

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

  • Challenge: Food insecurity remains a significant global issue, exacerbated by conflicts, climate change, and economic downturns.
  • Progress: Investments in agriculture, food systems, and nutrition have led to improvements in some regions. However, malnutrition rates, especially among children, are still alarmingly high.
  • Focus: Sustainable agriculture, food loss and waste reduction, and improved nutrition are crucial for achieving zero hunger.

ClimateTrade project that supports SDG2:?

Regenerative Agriculture in Germany Soil Carbon Removal and Enhanced Biodiversity

Goal 13: Climate Action

  • Challenge: The impacts of climate change are intensifying, with extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and biodiversity loss posing major threats.
  • Progress: There has been growing global awareness and action on climate change, with countries adopting ambitious emission reduction targets. However, global emissions continue to rise.
  • Focus: Accelerating the transition to clean energy, investing in climate adaptation, and building resilience are essential for addressing climate change.

ClimateTrade projects that support SDG13:?

Promoting wind green energy in Brazil


Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

  • Challenge: Conflicts, violence, and weak governance undermine sustainable development. Corruption and impunity remain prevalent in many countries.
  • Progress: Efforts to promote peacebuilding, human rights, and the rule of law have yielded some positive results. However, challenges persist, particularly in fragile and conflict-affected states.
  • Focus: Strengthening institutions, promoting justice, and preventing violence are crucial for building peaceful and inclusive societies.

ClimateTrade project that supports SDG16:?

Protecting forests in Mexico Ejido El Ventorrillo - ASRTulancingo

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

  • Challenge: Achieving the SDGs requires global cooperation and partnerships among governments, the private sector, civil society, and international organisations.
  • Progress: There has been increased collaboration on SDG-related issues, with various partnerships formed to address specific challenges. However, more coordinated efforts are needed.
  • Focus: Building strong partnerships, mobilising resources, and sharing knowledge and technology are essential for accelerating progress towards the SDGs.

ClimateTrade project that supports SDG17:

Cultiva Carbono - Agricola Madro?eros Dos SLU

For more detailed information and data:?

ClimateTalks: Let’s meet Will Solutions

In this episode of ClimateTalks we meet Will Solutions to discuss how they are Pioneering decarbonisation through the sustainable community project.

We met with Raphael Pittavino, Head of Marketing and Digital Communications as he shared insights into their groundbreaking initiative. The Sustainable Community Project offers a unique cluster-based approach to carbon management and decarbonisation for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), non-profit organisations (NPOs), and municipalities in Canada.

Read more and watch the full video interview

How to purchase premium carbon, biodiversity, and renewable energy credits in the voluntary carbon market

Voluntary carbon markets let carbon emitters offset their unavoidable emissions. To ensure the most effective climate action, it’s crucial to buy premium credits from high-quality projects.

As the urgency to combat climate change intensifies, more organisations and individuals are turning to the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) to offset their carbon footprints. Among the various types of credits available, premium carbon, biodiversity, and renewable energy credits are highly sought after due to their significant environmental benefits. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to purchase these premium credits in the VCM.

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Five of the most-purchased carbon offsetting projects on the marketplace in June

As climate change continues to pose significant threats to our planet, private investment in climate-focused projects has become more crucial than ever. The Climatetrade marketplace is a testament to the power of collective action in addressing these environmental challenges.?

In June, five standout projects emerged as top sellers, highlighting the diverse ways in which private funding can drive substantial positive change. From protecting biodiversity in the Amazon to generating renewable energy in India, these projects exemplify how strategic investments can safeguard our ecosystems, promote sustainable energy solutions, and reduce carbon emissions.

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How 80 NGOs are jeopardising global climate progress

?? The recent Bloomberg article that highlighted 80 NGOs coming together to criticise the carbon market, painted a bleak picture, but here at ClimateTrade, we believe this portrayal is misguided. The #VCM is a critical tool in the fight against climate change, enabling companies to go beyond regulations and invest in projects that reduce hashtag#emissions.?

While not without its flaws, the VCM is constantly evolving to ensure transparency and environmental impact. Dismantling it entirely would cripple our chances of achieving net-zero goals. Read more of what our CEO and Co-Founder Fran Benedito had to say about it.?

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