This drives me up the absolute walls!
áine Morgan
Coach for professional working Mums who want to feel more confident, have more impact and stop second guessing themselves and Host of the Fearless Conversations Podcast
It?happens multiple times every day and it's already happened twice today. ??
I'm waiting at a roundabout,?looking for a cue from the driver coming around to see if they're about to leave, so that I can drive on.
No cue comes but then they turn and AS THEY TURN -?when they've already turned the wheel of the car! there it is, a wee mini indicator light comes up. Useful for absolute no one except the driver of the car who can go 'check, I indicated' ?
?It drives me up the absolute?walls.
The?exact?problem here is one that probably annoys you every day too even if the roundabout indicators don't annoy you too much. The problem is:
a lack of useful intentionality
This driver's intention behind the action of indicating?wasn't?to?let other drivers on the roundabout know what they planned to do so that the other drivers could act accordingly.
Their intention is to merely comply with the rule of the road that states 'drivers coming off a roundabout should indicate'. Sure, they won't get a fine if the police see what they did because?technically, they did indicate.
Even though the action is the 'right action', the lack of intentionality behind the action makes the action redundant in terms of usefulness.
This lack of useful happens everywhere all the time because our brains?don't automatically incorporate intentionality?into solution orientated thinking. It's not how most of us think, automatically most of the time.
?The consequences are a lot of low impact action.
People at meetings, saying nothing, taking away nothing to meaningfully engage with in their minds and come?back with fresh ideas and plans.
Attendance at the?meeting is the micro indicator light. Their boss won't be cross with them for not?showing up, so why does their boss seem unimpressed by their?engagement and commitment??
Because the intention isn't to show up and contribute and add to the discussion, the intention is simply to ? be there, or;
Staff filling in sections of online databases with checks and rolled forward working papers that when anyone reads them, make no sense in the context of the work being done this year.
? to the online document that has to be?filled in. Nothing at all with respect to how this document relates to?the risk in this client, in this engagement. No useful-ness, or;
Partners, Directors or Managers scheduling feedback sessions that ? HR require them to have that get?rescheduled and postponed and finally happen rushed in 20 minutes.
No meaningful reflection required from the PDM, no real development?points shared, never mind a?real?discussion as to how to reach those milestones. The intentional caring about someone else's career, how they feel in this team, how -?really - they see?themselves?moving?forward in the firm??
Zero useful intentionality, or; (and this is the same thing)
?Letting our brain's default 'what will they think of me' keep us quiet when we have someone to say that we know IS useful?because we momentary forgot that our real intention was to enjoy the job and be impactful because for a?minute we thought our most important intention was to -?not.?look. stupid.
Confused intentionality resulting in feeling small and not?having?contributed.
Showing up with intention is something that anyone can learn to do by?taking our brains off autopilot and going beyond default thinking.
We do this by lining up our intentions with actions and stepping away from check marks.
In Module 4 of my online mini course, I?teach you how to access intentionality so that you can move out of?autopilot?thinking into an engaged, connected way of showing up that not only feels better to you but is a pleasure to work with?and be around.
?You will learn how a shift in thinking shifts results in a shift in the way you do things which feels like?going beyond moving through the motions into action with impact.
?This Summer, for €97-, you get access to the online course which you can?work through in your own time over the Summer plus your invitation to a series of 3 group coaching calls this Autumn where you will have the opportunity to be coached by me.