Driven by Data | The Newsletter, Edition 27

Driven by Data | The Newsletter, Edition 27

We hope all of our UK counterparts are staying cool in this September heat wave!

Also a big shout-out to all the parents within our community whose children are back to school this week, we know this can be an exciting yet nervous time!

Let's jump into another great week of content!

Driven by Data, The Podcast

In Episode 44 of Season 3, of?Driven By Data: The Podcast host Kyle Winterbottom was joined by,?Dan Kellett, Chief Data Officer at?Capital One

Together they discussed how to strike the balance between driving innovation while delivering day-to-day, which includes, the benefits of working in one organisation for 23 years. How a data and analytics journey evolves inside an organisation over that timeframe and why so many things are different but a lot of things are still the same! Listen now!

Driven by Data, The Mentorship

Just a week remains to register for our next Mentorship cohort, so if you want to be included as either a mentor or mentee, reach out now!

Orbition Group is growing!

This week we welcome Deren Ridley !

Deren joins Orbition Group as the Head of Project Solutions. His role will involve working closely with our customers to drive the successful delivery of our services across Talent Advisory, Solutions, Intelligence and Branding.

Find out more about Deren, here.

Tattoo Taboo, a thing of the past? The Data tells us more of us have them than ever!

This week's insight blog comes from Emily Firbank

Over the years the perception of tattoos has changed. They’ve been associated with rebellion and criminal cultures as well as held significance to tribes, however now, in my eyes, they are seen as art and a way to express yourself. In a world where we are working hard towards equality in all aspects of society, we appear to be behind when it comes to tattoos. Studies show that a fifth of all British adults have at least one tattoo.

Despite this, it is still not uncommon to see people with tattoos refused work, asked to cover them up in the workplace, or asked not to get them in the first place. Which I don’t know about you, but actually shocks me as a female with over 20 tattoos… however I bet you wouldn’t have guessed that by looking at me.

The representation of tattoos has had a long-lasting influence on the corporate world, deeming tattoos as unprofessional and a ‘no-no’ for many years. However, as with many things in our constantly evolving culture, this perspective on tattoos in the professional environment has shifted significantly.

One of the main reasons tattoos have shifted and evolved is largely down to our generational shift in the workforce. Millennials and Gen Z, generations have one of the highest percentages of tattooed individuals. According to a 2019 Harris Poll, nearly half of millennials claimed to have at least one tattoo. This marked change has forced many employers to reconsider their stance on tattoos, given the sheer number of tattooed potential employees.

Luckily, companies are recognising the importance of diversity and inclusivity within the workplace and therefore recognising that talent comes in all forms and would you believe it, a tattoo doesn’t define a person’s capabilities. In fact, you’ll probably find there a great way to start a conversation with someone and learn about them.

?Read the full blog on Thursday!

That's everything for this week - so let's end on a high with this week's data joke!

What advice did the computer receive to keep cool in this heat wave?

Keep as many windows open as possible!


Orbition Content team

OMG!!! It's HEEEERE!!!! Orbition Group Newsletter Number 27! I'll show you mine if you show my yours Emily Firbank... my Tats that is. No Emily, I don't have any Tattoos. I might go for an Orbition Group logo tattoo. That's a pretty sweet logo. Do you have a henna tat of your logo that I can try out first to see how I really might like to ink myself. I see Orbition Group is growing and adding Deren Ridley. Is he related to that Ridley guy that expertly directs gladiators, aliens, and others? Orbition Group goes to the movies? I can't wait to hear more about the Mentorship program. I like the interview with Dan Kellett! No, I'm not going to reuse and old line and ask what's in your wallet. You didn't write about Kyle Winterbottom and Catherine King's way cool Data Leadership Branding & Content Creation Course that is running soon... so I'll end by mentioning Kyle Winterbottom and Catherine King's way cool Data Leadership Branding & Content Creation Course is WAY COOL!!! Cool is the rule in this September heat! I've got my windows open!!!


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