Drive your Life.
Society has become complacent. We are human sponges soaking up nonstop information without thought or question. We have become lazy in our thinking and impatient in our exploration. We would prefer to settle for the easy rather than the complexities of the unknown. We worship television and movies and set aside literature for the convenience of observation rather than concentrated effort. In our human interactions, we embrace white lies to avoid the discomfort of truth. We lie to ourselves by rationalizing our behavior as compassion claiming that we do not wish to hurt people or make others uncomfortable by being confrontational. The real truth is that WE do not believe that true human connection is worth the efforts of direct uncensored communication.?We are sleepwalking in a?world that desperately needs conscious leaders. It is time to place fear in the backseat and begin driving our lives again.
As you move through the week, notice how often you are unconscious (that's right..become conscious of the unconscious!). Do you arrive at work without remembering the trip? Are you so embedded in your routine that you do not even notice what you're doing? Do you watch the news or read the paper without questioning the story's validity or its implications on society and your life? Do you find yourself weary at the suggestion that you need or might benefit from additional discrimination?
Success or sabotage?? Sustained success is a gift to the courageous--those who are not afraid to question the status quo. Challenge the norm and question your own assumptions. Is this true because there is evidence that suggests that it is true?
Is this going to be an incredible day? Be willing to question the activities of the day for yourself--do they ultimately serve you? If not, why are you doing it?