Drive By Shooting Project
The current state of affairs has changed our day to day activities, dramatically altering normalcy. For most of us Shelter in Place has created a world where we as entrepreneurs have to get creative to maintain workflow. I'd like to introduce a fundraising project called DRIVE BY SHOOTING. Maybe you have seen a current trend where professional photographers are traveling to those Sheltering In Place to photograph them. (Porch Portraits) I'm taking that concept and hyping it. I'm documenting families and individuals from the street/curb by showcasing the family unity and spirit that we still have while enduring this crisis. A portion of my DRIVE BY SHOOT fee will be donated to an non-profit organization that is already feeding the homeless people on our streets. Because their Shelter-In-Place isn't as manageable as it is for some of us. You can DM me via inbox (or email [email protected]) to schedule your date and time to be photographed. I don't know how long this Shelter-In-Place will last, I just want to be able to continue doing what I LOVE while photographing some fantastic friends and faces of the SF Bay area. Images from the DRIVE BY SHOOTS will be posted on my Facebook business page.
Shots of our Community #AloneTogether.
Check out some of my recent DRIVE BY SHOOTINGS. Drive By Logo created by Bronnie Hazelwood
Love ?? it!