Drive Safe home! Watch up your speed
大马产业投资导师 /估价师。 大马产业局(BOVAEAP)认证的见习估价师(PV)和PEA. 大马培训机构认证的”HRDF 讲师“. UTM 企业硕士,主修”策略管理“ 10多年的投资经验, 让我知道你想怎样投资。。一起走,会轻松点。 Heng Chooi Hong(Henry) + 6016-2330010 电子邮件:[email protected] 网站
Saturday, plan to come back to KL?
From JB to KL or KL to JB.
If you are travelling at the southern region of KL. Refer to the following list:
From Kedah to KL or From KL to Kedah:
If your are Penang Mari or Kedah Mari.. Then refer to the following list: