Drive Growth and Make a Positive Impact with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals!

Drive Growth and Make a Positive Impact with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals!

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

The 17 SDGs are:

  1. No Poverty
  2. Zero Hunger
  3. Good Health and Well-being
  4. Quality Education
  5. Gender Equality
  6. Clean Water and Sanitation
  7. Affordable and Clean Energy
  8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
  9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  10. Reduced Inequalities
  11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
  12. Responsible Consumption and Production
  13. Climate Action
  14. Life Below Water
  15. Life On Land
  16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  17. Partnerships for the Goals

Each goal has targets to be achieved by 2030.

The Preamble of the Agenda 2021 says “a spirit of strengthened global solidarity, focused in particular on the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable and with the participation of all countries, all stakeholders and all people.”

To bring the 2030 Agenda to life, a wide embrace of the SDGs must lead to a steadfast commitment from all relevant parties. It's crucial that all stakeholders understand the SDGs and their role in making them a reality!

What are the benefits of using SDGs for for-profit companies?

Incorporating the SDGs into a company's sustainability strategy is a game-changer. It sets clear objectives and expands the reach and impact of sustainability initiatives.

By embracing the SDGs, a company positions itself as a leader in the ambitious goal of Agenda 2030 – to end poverty, protect the planet, and bring peace and prosperity to people everywhere.

With the SDGs, your company can make a real difference in the world, both today and for generations to come!

The SDGs offer a multitude of benefits for a company's sustainability strategy, including:

  • Spotting future business opportunities and staying ahead of the game
  • Staying ahead of future regulations
  • Winning over new customers and keeping existing ones happy
  • Attracting top talent and reducing turnover rates
  • Boosting your company's reputation and standing out from the competition
  • Connecting with stakeholders in meaningful ways
  • Meeting the demands of investors, suppliers, and partners and making them proud to be part of your team.

When it comes to making a difference on a global scale, incorporating the SDGs provides a universal language for companies to communicate their impact and progress.

It's a win-win situation - when companies do well, so do the societies they operate in.

By using the SDGs, you can play a crucial role in creating stability and growth for both yourselves and the communities you serve.

How can your company use SDGs?

Timeline and costs

Embracing the SDGs is a cost-free opportunity to create a roadmap for sustainable impact.

The guidelines serve as inspiration for companies to set their own goals and action plans.

With the deadline of 2030 fast approaching, companies can choose to focus on one or multiple SDGs, tailoring their approach to meet their unique resources, time, and budget constraints.

How to process with the SDGs?

The journey towards integrating the SDGs into a company's strategy and operations may differ, but here's a rough outline of what the implementation process might entail:

1/ Get Acquainted with the 17 SDGs

For companies to fully embrace the SDGs, decision-makers must first educate themselves on the philosophy, approach, and concepts behind the goals. To start, they can:

  • Explore the diverse range of projects on the online partnership platform of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs
  • Dive into the "SDG Good Practices" publication, a compilation of inspiring success stories and valuable lessons in SDG implementation.

It's crucial for the entire company to be aware and understand the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. There are plenty of resources, including videos, available on the SDGs website to help with this.

To foster a company-wide understanding, top management can organize training sessions and awareness-raising moments to educate teams on the SDGs, their purpose, and the company's commitment to them.


Carefully consider which SDGs align with the company's goals and purpose, and choose one or several that are relevant to your industry. Involve all employees in the decision-making process to increase engagement.


Evaluate the company's impact on the selected SDGs and set clear targets and KPIs for each one.


Use the SDGs to shape the company's long-term sustainable investment vision and incorporate them into all aspects of the business, including governance, strategy, and decision-making processes.


Develop a plan with timelines, resources, and budgets to put dedicated actions and projects into motion.


Maximize the impact of your SDGs strategy by engaging stakeholders, including partners, customers, and suppliers. By collaborating with others, you can:

  • Strengthen your commitments and achieve more ambitious goals
  • Expand the reach and results of your SDG targets


Make your dedication to the SDGs known by including progress updates in your integrated reporting. Not only will this highlight your commitment to sustainability, but it also caters to the information needs of stakeholders and sets a positive example for your ecosystem.

The guide "Integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into Corporate Reporting" offers a three-step process for seamlessly incorporating the SDGs into your existing business and reporting processes.

To deepen your understanding, two helpful resources are available:

  • the SDG Compass guide for business action, developed by GRI and UN Global Compact
  • and the SDG Sustainability toolkit by CGMA.

Below are a few examples of organizations using SDGs:

  • The UK government has integrated the Sustainable Development Goals into the agenda of each department and outlines their commitments and actions for each goal on their website.
  • Lego is dedicated to SDG 4: Quality Education for All and aims to educate children about sustainability through events and a wind turbine model they launched with information about climate change and wind energy.
  • Discovery Channel has partnered with Oceana for several years to combat the shark fin trade, aligning with SDG 14: Life Below Water.

Start implementing the Sustainable Development Goals today!

You can begin with little steps, and scale up.

And for that, Apiday can help!

With the support of our experts, you can benefit from a custom strategy that fits your company's unique goals and needs. We’ll identify where your energy should be dedicated, with a step-by-step roadmap and custom suggestions.

All you need to do is upload the right information, we’ll automatize the rest: building actionable data, beautiful charts, and reports from all your systems in one place.

So you'll be able to engage and share the right information with all your stakeholders!

Book a call with our ESG team and get started today!



