Drinking water To Lose Weight|Does Drinking water to lose weight

Drinking water To Lose Weight|Does Drinking water to lose weight

Drinking water To Lose Weight?is more than just a slogan put forth by some exotic bottled water company. There is a library full of research demonstrating the importance of?Drinking water To Lose Weight?along with your?exercise?and?diet plan.

It is a sad fact that most people do not drink enough water. If you don’t, you are not alone. I didn’t and most of the friends that I have made in my quest to help people lose that spare tire or two didn’t either.

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How does drinking water for weight loss affect my body?

?Water affects your body in many ways.?A simple answer?is that it flushes toxins from your body. However. We can dig a little deeper than that to figure out what really happens. Let’s start with the liver.

?The liver metabolizes fat into energy. This we need it to do so that we can get into those skinny jeans we bought. Another set of workers that need help in our quest for weight loss are the kidneys. The Kidneys need lots of water to do their work. They are busy flushing toxins and waste from our bodies. If the kidneys do not get enough water, the liver must step in to help. As you know it is tough helping someone else while trying to do your own work. Nothing is completed on time and the fat ends up getting stored away in our spare tire.?That is surely what we don’t want.

?How much water do I need a day?

The accepted standard today for?drinking water to lose weight?is eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. In addition, you need another 8-ounces for every 25 or 30 pounds of?extra weight?you are carrying.

Whoa there, I can’t drink that much! Yes, you can. Spread it throughout the day by drinking four or five large glasses of water spaced out during the day. Have sipping water handy in between. Drink steadily during the day. If you have cold water available that is even better. The body will burn additional calories warming the water after it enters your body. Warm or cold just drink it.

?Won’t I start carrying more water weight?

?If you have not been drinking enough water before, you are already carrying water weight. Your body has probably been in what is called survival mode for some time. When it doesn’t get enough water regularly, it will store water when it can so that it will survive what the body perceives as lean water times.

?When you begin consuming the amounts of water your body needs, it will soon recognize that it is able to depend on the water source and start discarding the excess water. Our bodies are very complex and wonderful machines.

?Water tastes bad! Coke or coffee tastes better

?While it is probably true that?Soda,?Energy drinks, and?coffee?are?fluids?and do taste better to some people, they also contain extra?calories, sugars,?caffeine, and other?additives?that you don’t need right now. If the water tastes bad to you, try a slice of lemon or line dropped in the glass. You may even try the flavored bottles of water-but read the labels. Also, keep in mind that you will be consuming quite a lot of these if that is the direction you wish to go.

?Conclusion of?Drinking Water To Lose Weight

?When you drink all of the water you need, you will soon begin to notice things like your skin is becoming clearer, your muscle tone appears to be firmer and you will notice a decrease in appetite. These are but a few of added benefits of?drinking water to lose weight.

Does Drinking Water Help You Lose Weight

When the conversation turns to Diet and Exercise, one of the questions always asked is?“Does drinking water help you lose weight?”?The short answer is yes! Is it okay to drink soda or coffee instead? After all they too are liquid. True, but not all liquids are created equally. Drinks like soda and energy drinks contain sugars and chemicals that may not be all that good for your body. If you are serious about losing weight, water is one of the paths you must take.

OK then, how much?

One common answer to?drinking water?for?weight loss questions?lies in the guidelines from weight counselors is to drink approximately one-half of your body weight in ounces of water. So if you weigh 150 pounds you would ideally drink approximately 75 ounces of water a day. Do not try to drink this all at once or even 50/50. You will be defeating the purpose etc. This may seem like a silly statement to you, but I have actually had people ask me if that was a good way to do it. To be fair they claimed to work in an environment that water was not easily accessible. Take bottled water if that is the case. Break it up into 8 to15-ounce groups. This creates an attainable goal and your body will get the proper fluids it needs throughout the day.

Is This Much Water Really Necessary?

Believe it or not, your body is made up of 50 to 70 percent water. (Sounds like you should spread all over the couch like Jell-O doesn’t it.). The organs in your body require quite a bit of fluid to operate properly. In today’s world of processed and fast foods and drinks, our body is forced to process and pass more toxins and preservatives than ever before. The water is needed to provide a medium to cleanse the body of these toxins. In addition, consider one or two glasses of water before each meal. This will give you a fuller feeling and you will eat less, thereby aiding in your diet endeavors.

Weight aside, did you know that every few weeks your body rejuvenates itself by losing and creating new cells? Fortunately, we are a work in progress.

Does Drinking Water Cause Bloat?

?If your body does not get enough food it will go into a self-preservation mode and begin to store up all of the fat that it can in case this famine lasts. So it is the same with water, if your body does not get enough water it will try to store all it can to protect itself. If you drink water consistently and in the proper amount, it will find no need to store extra water and your body will be cleansed and happy.

Benefits of Drinking Water

The benefits of?drinking water?whether dieting or not are many. You will feel better and look better from the inside and out. One word of caution though, As in anything where medical conditions known or unknown may exist—Check with your doctor before making any drastic changes.

Does Drinking Water Conclusion

Drinking water?is absolutely necessary and without a doubt, if for no other reason then you will just plain feel better. So?Does Drinking Water Help You Lose Weight?provide benefits-yes in many ways? This proved that?drinking water?is very useful for?weight loss.


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