"Drinkin the Juice?

"Drinkin the Juice?

When I first set out on my journey for Jesus, I had a friend say, “Kel, Jesus freaks are weirdos, but you’re not a weirdo, so it makes me believe that it must be real.”

It’s true. People can make anything seem weird. Food is great, but Hot Dog Eating Competitions are weird. It’s not the hot dog that makes it weird (even though hot dogs are a pretty weird combination of meat), it’s the dipping the buns in water, to shove them down your throat, and compete for a prize in doing so. It’s a weird human behavior.

Have you ever moved to a new city or started over, and went out to seek a new congregation to share in worship and praise for our Father in heaven? You may have experienced the reason why so many people run the other direction from the Lord when the congregation aggressively seeks you to grow their own brick and mortar church, not His. No matter what, most people have had terrible experiences in the past due to the people in the church; not God.

It’s just funny when people that claim to know the Lord the best, are the same ones that like to argue the most about what we believe; or what you should believe. I thought we were all just supposed to love the Lord?

Some will seek to warn you not to get “led astray or following false prophets” and to keep away from other congregations because they are “afraid for you”. Very quickly, it can feel as weird as getting a hot dog shoved down your throat because they want to “feed you”. The more bodies we pile into our congregation, the more money maybe? I’m not attempting to bear false witness, but just trying to figure out the aggressive lure . . . do you want to get to know me because we’re spending eternity in heaven together or do you want to conform me to your interpretation of scripture, and ask for Sunday’s tithes?

In Luke 9:49-50 Jesus forbids sectarianism when John the apostle informs him of a man casting out demons in the name of Jesus, “. . . Do not forbid him, for who is not against us is on our side.” I love Jesus, and anyone that loves Jesus is my family. We the people are the “church” . . . not the building. We are all the same to him; and He loves us all.  

“Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build me? Where will my resting place be? Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?” declares the Lord. (Isaiah 66:1, 2) 

I love this verse, and I depict a sense of humor how He reminds us that everything belongs to Him.  How we as children of the Almighty can actually build Him anything, and He would say, “Oh wow! Do tell!” It’s all His in the first place, including us.  

Jesus instructs us not to judge one another, but love everyone. That’s it! He says, “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34) Pretty simple huh? Love thy neighbor! Therefore, be nice, nobody’s perfect.

We as believers make Jesus weird when we think by wearing a tiny cross around our necks were are better than anyone. We make being followers of Jesus weird when we act selfishly, and seek our own personal gain. Love isn’t supposed to represent itself as weird, the difference is putting on the light of Christ by showing that love conquers all.

Look I’ll be the first to describe myself as a “weirdo” and yes, I am drinking the “Jesus Juice”. I intend to consecrate my mind, body, and soul with “Jesus Juice” every day of my natural life, and into eternity. It’s awesome! It’s as true as The Bible tells us; peace through faith, love and hope. I’m a living testimony. The “Juice” is love, and it comes in abundance to those who choose to receive it. It’s a gift that we can allow to shower us with peace, and a radiate with joy. 

We as believers are told to “plant seeds”, not shove them down people’s throats like a watery hot dog bun. By forcing someone to obey your interpretation of scripture, you’re acting like you wrote the Word of God yourself; “looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2). 

The forcefulness makes followers come off as weird, and bossy. What does it matter to you how someone loves Jesus? It doesn’t add to the value of your existence, it just upsets you when you chase down someone that keeps missing the memo. Stop worrying about everyone else and worry about yourself.

Jesus said to him, “If I will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me.” (John 21:22)

Plant seeds, and pray. Love one another, and let God do the work. Chasing people down to demand answers about their walk with Jesus isn’t your business like Jesus tells John in the above scripture. Loving on people, and offering to serve them, or pray for them is truth.   “Putting on Christ” doesn’t make you better than anyone, it actually takes a lot more effort because you seek to serve and not be served.

I’ll send the friendly text to friends of mine that are “atheists” and tell them I lovingly prayed for them, and that “God blesses them in their day with his love and that He gives them all the desires of their heart”.  My hope is that the change in me inspires them to take the seed I plant, and seek the Lord on their own. 

“Every knee will bow . . .” (Romans 14:11) But it’s not you or I that will enforce it; we will all be face down before Him. In the meantime, care for your neighbors knees, and needs! J  

Last week while attending a big aviation conference, someone asked if I was pregnant jokingly . . . because I was “glowing”. The guy said he recognized the glow because his wife carried the same energy when she was pregnant. I just smiled, and said, “Nope. It’s Jesus”. You change both physically and mentally, so much so that people see it. It’s not weird, it’s beautiful, and the Holy Spirit shines through you. Don’t get me wrong . . . it’s not always this magical rainforest of agape love, it’s a very humbling desire to pursue to be good every day. Again, no one is perfect; except Jesus.

Austin, Texas has a saying, “keep Austin weird”.  We as believers need to "stop making Jesus weird". in both instances, it's the people impact the stereotype. Now is a time that this world needs the peace and love of Jesus, so why don’t we attempt to not make “Jesus Freaks” pushy, and mean. We can teach love, forgiveness, and joy in knowing Him. We can be the fun, awesome, joyous people that the world wants to be surrounded with.

We can be courageous in sharing our faith, and contagious in our love. 

We can rise above as leaders of the Jesus revival when we connect with people, and “churches” on the same mission, and not be ethnocentric with our interpretations. Love to love because we are told to.

I’m probably still always going to be somewhat “weird” but you can trust I will be kind, and I can only thank Jesus for that. Whatever you believe, live for love, and in confidence for the Day you’ll meet your Maker.

Love Him as He loved you first, and love one another because He tells us to, so I love you also!


April 20th, 2018










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