Drink moderately or stop completely? Find out now

Drink moderately or stop completely? Find out now

For some drinkers, the only effective solution to a serious alcohol problem is to stop drinking completely, and stay stopped for good. This is especially when drinking has already led to addiction, compulsion, and/or other serious consequences. But for other drinkers, the so-called “problem drinkers” – who by definition are not alcoholic and not physically addicted to alcohol – learning how to moderate alcohol consumption within safer limits can sometimes be realistic and attainable. Our moderate drinking program may be able to help you learn to cut down.

Studies have shown that many non-alcoholic problem drinkers can utilize self-control and “harm reduction” strategies to reduce their level of alcohol consumption and the risk that their drinking will cause harm to themselves and/or others. Generally speaking, people with shorter histories of alcohol abuse, less severe problems related to drinking, and higher levels of overall functioning are often better candidates for moderate drinking than lower-functioning individuals with more chronic and severe problems. Even so, it is often difficult to predict which “problem drinkers” will be able to successfully reduce their drinking to safer limits and keep it within these limits over the long term without gravitating back to harmful drinking patterns. Whereas some people learn to reliably moderate their drinking, others find that sustaining moderation is an elusive and frustrating goal that eventually leads them to a decision to quit drinking completely – at least for a while. After a thorough evaluation of your drinking patterns and related issues, Dr. Washton will help you decide whether moderate drinking or abstinence makes the most sense for you.

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