Drilling through titanium in space!
While on an enforced sick leave, I have binge-watched the science fiction TV show "The Expanse" . I enjoy this newish series very much as it describes a future world where humans live in factions on Earth, Mars and "the belt" - the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. This territory has become something of an industrial wasteland in space, being stripped of natural resources and where people are crowded into slums with lack of water, air and even basic gravity. The Belters have developed their own unintelligble language, "Belter Creole" which I need to actually watch with subtitles. One episode which caught my attention, season 1 episode 7 "Windmills", our heroes have taken over a Mars warship that they have renamed the Rocinante.
However they're not fully aware of everything the advanced technology has to offer. In order to access a secret panel to obtain a Martian code-word, they need to break open the safe, not very well hidden in a table right in the center of the bridge. Alex, our pilot, gets a drill and attempts to drill open the panel, but he has extreme difficulty because: "It's composite-titanium!!!" Well, of course it is! I like this show very much because unlike many shows set in space, there are frequently problems which would face any space explorers, such as lack of water, air (oxygen in particular), food, gravity. The shows gives very plausible explanations of why they sometimes don't have full gravity so people and objects end up floating in zero-g. They also have to wait hours for messages and signals and there are very plausible explanations for space travel such as the "Epstein drive" engines. Catch it when season 4 comes back on via Amazon Prime : or try the original novels by James S.A. Corey for comparison. Note this is not a person, it is actually 2 people writing under a single nom de plume. A very welcome and believable use of titanium in space!
Chief Technologist, Thermoplastics Laboratory at Qarbon Aerospace
6 年Good job Eli.... Hope things are well with you.