The driest inhabited continent is going to need help
Mitchell Westra
“If you want to improve people’s lives, listen to them, the people who care for them, AND the people who love them.”
Water is a fundamental need and right for all. The availability of water is a major element in the planning of successful communities and is arguably the number one concern for the future of humankind. Many factors influence water security in Australia; these include population growth, environmental degradation, climate change and variability, rainfall, land use, pollution, institutional arrangements and demand for Australia’s exports, notably of natural resources and food.
Achieving universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water is a worthy but lengthy process. Holistic management of the water cycle means taking into account the level of “water stress”, calculated as the ratio of total fresh water withdrawn by all major sectors to the total renewable fresh water resources. Currently, water stress affects more than 2 billion people around the world, a figure that the United Nations projects will rise.
Despite global drinking water sources having improved radically since 2000, an estimated 663 million people were still using an unimproved water source or surface water in 2015. Moreover, not all improved sources are safe. For instance, in 2012 it was estimated that at least 1.8 billion people were exposed to drinking water sources contaminated with faecal matter.
The 2012 Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) report, titled: Sustainable Water Management: Securing Australia’s future in a green economy explores a framework for sustainable water management that is able to adapt to future challenges through fostering the principles of green growth - improving productivity and economic prosperity as well as improved environmental and social outcomes.
The spread-out nature of Australia’s population and the inherent difficulties involved in occupying the driest inhabited continent on earth contribute to an extraordinary need; a need to manage our water sources in a way that is sustainable, a way that ensures the availability of water for all.
JCI Melbourne is seeking partners in the community, public and private sectors who are providing services to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. It is through these partners that JCI Melbourne can make the most positive impact both in Australia and around the world.
If you or someone you know works in this space we’d love to hear from you.