DRG Project Insights
Dynamic Stress And Vibration Analysis For A Gasoil Hydrofiner
During the start-up and normal operation phases of a Gasoil Hydrofiner system, significant vibrations were observed in its piping. These vibrations were concerning and upon examining the system under various process conditions, it was determined that two-phase flow occurred consistently.
Learn more about this project: https://dynaflow.com/news/dynamic-stress-and-vibration-analysis-for-a-gasoil-hydrofiner/
FEA Analysis for a DN1200 GRP Test Spool
In this case study, a burst test was conducted to demonstrate the strength of a DN1200 Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic (GRP) pipe. The objective was to ensure that the pipe spool could endure an internal pressure six times greater than the design pressure of 10 Barg, equivalent to 60 Barg for a short duration.
Therefore the goals were two-fold:
Learn more about this project: https://dynaflow.com/news/fea-analysis-for-a-dn1200-grp-test-spool/
Vibration analysis for piping connected to hydrogen compressors
In the past, visible vibrations were observed in the piping connected to hydrogen compressors. These vibrations were particularly noticeable?in the small-bore pipes branching off from the main pipes. Over time, these small-bore pipes frequently developed cracks, likely due to fatigue.
To understand and address this issue, a numerical computer model was developed to simulate the mechanical behavior of the piping system under the influence of pulsation forces generated by the compressors.?
Learn more about this project here: https://dynaflow.com/news/vibration-analysis-for-piping-connected-to-hydrogen-compressors/
FEA Analysis for internal gas distributors
This study detailed the mechanical calculations for four internal components designed as gas inlet distributors within a pressure vessel. The primary objective of this study was to determine the resulting material stresses and recommend improvements if necessary.
Learn more about this project: https://dynaflow.com/news/fea-analysis-for-internal-gas-distributors/
Stress analysis for platforms on a vacuum tower
This case study recounts the stress analysis conducted for the design of two structural platforms attached to reinforcement rings on a vacuum tower.?
A significant challenge in the design process was the diminished strength of the vacuum tower due to corrosion in some of its plates. The corroded wall thicknesses were measured, and the resulting structural integrity was evaluated.
Learn more about this project: https://dynaflow.com/news/stress-analysis-for-platforms-on-a-vacuum-tower/