In my town, there is a dress surgeon. You may wonder who this guy is! He is an ordinary tailor, but will take up only alteration works. If you want to darn your torn jeans, he will gladly do it. If your waistline is expanding, don't worry, he will alter your pant suitably. If the collar of your shirt is torn to shreds, he has a technique of repairing it with a new collar. A pocket is stitched, removed or size-altered. A big churidar could be made small, a small could be made big as well. A pant could be made a shorts, a shorts could be made three fourth!! What else you want? He calls himself a "dress surgeon".

In our society we need such surgeons to repair our health, finance and relationships. They do a great job. If your health is deteriorating, approach an expert doctor he could set it right. There are many people who suffer from financial problems. The real problem is that they don't have enough knowledge about handling money. Our school or college curriculum is silent about money or personal finance. Moreover, a big lie is taught- money is the root of all evils, honest people will not have money! Money may be a motto behind evils, but money itself does not breed evils. Even honest people can have money provided they value money. Those who remain poor don't value money, they value only things that money can buy!! On the other hand, a rich man knows the value of money and invest it to grow. So you need a money surgeon here to guide you in personal finance.

Worst is the case with relationships. In the beginning, all is well...once it establishes, the true color of people comes out. The result? You start fighting with those around and also with the circumstances. You assume many things, none of them may be right...even the strength of your relationships. The man may be different, the woman may be alien, not eve seen in our wildest dream. What is the remedy? A counselor could help you.

The role of a mentor is very important in our life. He could be a surgeon in our life, repairing the torn relationships or setting right the declining health or save you from horrendous finance.....

From my upcoming book "The Real Thing that Matters"...


Dhiya Ann Mathew

National General Secretary | Country Head at YWCA of India

3 年

Brilliantly written Sir! You have addressed a very valid concern which plagues our society- the need for Financial literacy which is key to financial independence that in turn leads to empowerment. Looking forward to more articles Sir!

Viju Nair

Chief Financial Officer

3 年

Nice article??

Ganesh Vedamurthi

Engineering Projects Consultant

3 年

Great piece of article. Too good matters of fact. Just to add, the best advisors and councellors for a child are the parents and proper parenting. Once that is effective, the next best is the company the child keeps in school, college and surroundings. Once a good base of character is set, the path ahead becomes easier.?


Dear Prof Subbu, its Worthy and offcourse good observation of a social scientist. Expecting such good articles from you. Regards.


Great job - thought provoking, well-knit words.Look forward to you book. God bless..




