Dreams really do come true!!!
Lori Battle
Philanthropist | Minister | Success Influencer and Founder of The Dream Big Experience Weekend. Managing Music Artists @Stia @BrentJones
....And then this happened!
If you haven’t heard already? I have some exciting news to share with you! This year at the 2018 Dream Big Experience Weekend’s luncheon on Saturday August 25th, we are giving away a FREE trip to Costa Rica for two!!!!! Yes, thanks to our sponsors @gadventures they are donating a trip to beautiful Costa Rica in support of my @dreamgirlfoundation
Dreams really do come true and this has been a dream of mine for a while, to be able to do something this special and make someone else’s dreams come true to Be Bold And Dream Big through a travel adventure, while you help me change the world for girls who come from underserved communities where domestic violence is prevalent, to help them discover paths that will lead them to becoming college educated and, ultimately, becoming successful entrepreneurs.
I just want to express my gratitude to G Adventures for believing in my vision and for joining my cause to help individuals press Play On Their Dreams!
To learn more about G Adventures and all of the wonderful travel packages they offer across the world, please visit:
Tickets to this year’s luncheon are still available where we will be raffling off this trip to Costa Rica valued at $4,000.00
Get registered today and meet us at The 5th Annual Dream Big Experience Weekend and luncheon!
To purchase tickets visit: www.dreambigexperience.com
See you there!!
#GAdventures #PressPlayOnYourDreams
#TravelAdventure #CostaRica #DreamBig #LoveLife #DreamGirlFoundation#GiveBack #Goals #BeBoldAndDreamBig