Dreams are made of this?
Stephen Tovey
Construction Manager, Project Co-ordinator, Site Manager, Marketing & Sales, Businessman
after ten years chasing every new app and trying to integrate my Desktop, Tablet, Laptop, and Mobile and also setting up accounts, banking, ordering, and untold email addresses and browsers it has finally occurred to me that "slow and steady gets the job done"....or maybe technology has caught up with my aspirations...
I wanted to make use of all the exciting opportunities that were available just did not understand how much work and stress would be involved in keeping up. It might be all about age, or just the speed of change, who knows !!!
The reality for me has been that, as a man schooled in the sixties and seventies being asked to react to digital schedules there was a massive amount of new habits and emotional stability that needed to be acquired.
As the recent trouble over asking journalists to learn to code showed there needs to be a massive look at the new thinking required to make a living in the twenty-first century!!!
As one of the boys who spent most of those important later school years working on my class clown credentials and graduating into the big boys club of construction my skill set was sadly lacking.
So late in life its time for me to graduate from lifting heavy things to planning and building a working day that involves communication and inspiration. Its a tough task for someone who had thought he was on the final run to retirement. So are dreams made of this...or is this my swansong before universal basic income kicks in.